Night of the proms – who goes to which concert?

Have you decided to go to one (or more) Night of the Proms shows? Do you want to meet up with other fans, know who else is going?

Following these links you will find lists of fans for each concert. On Roxetteforum (German) there’s even a sub-forum only about NOTP.

RoxetteForum (German): Wer geht zu welchem NOTP-Konzert 2009?

R2R: NOTP – who goes to which concert?

Spanish fans have also organised to go to a couple of NOTP shows. If you want to know more and/or get in touch with Spanish fans, visit and join the Roxspain Mailinglist.

Of course, you can also let us know here! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Night of the proms – who goes to which concert?”

  1. I’ll go to the one in Rotterdam. Have bought the airplane tix, and the concert tix as well, but still haven’t got it yet ;(

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