Meeting with Per Gessle, October 2009.

Chrissie, also know as nordish-by-nature at R2R forum, shared with us a brand new picture of Per Gessle. The photography was taken in Halmstad in front of the second “Tits & Ass” [the third and new one is coming!] studio on October 13. Accroding to nordish, he was very nice again and told them something about a BIG poster which he got from some Bulgarian fans.

Per Gessle - October 2009.

UDPATE on October 21: Here is Chrissie’s story:

Yes, me and my friend have been on vacation in Tylösand last week. We just wanted to enjoy a week of relaxation with sauna and swimming and shopping. 😉 We didn’t expect that Per would appear in Halmstad at all. But Twitter-addicted as we were, we checked our accounts daily after breakfast and so we read his message last Tuesday that he is in town and recording some demos.

Ojj…what to do? We couldn’t really resist a try…. Well, I thought that he might be there the whole day and me and my friend Sabine didn’t want to spend a whole day with waiting in front of the T&A. So we decided to check the scenery around 15:00 and noticed his great looking Ferrari on the street. Mr. Gessle had apparently
refused to buy a parking ticket….. 😉 We didn’t see any!! While I was looking at Per’s car a man passed by and said something like: Wow, it would be cool to have a test drive with it wouldn’t it?? I just could agree. Well, I decided to buy a parking ticket for my car then cause I’m not that rich and because it was much warmer waiting inside a car we parked around the corner where we still could watch the Ferrari.

Around 17:00 suddenly a grey cat appeared on the fence in front of my car and my friend tried to make a photo of her. (We are both big cat-lovers) Blame to the cat we almost ignored Per who also appeared in the same second and was about to leave. So we jumped out of the car and asked him if he had some time for us. Of course he had and so we got a nice photo each. Well, Per was so nice to advice us to stand in the right position to the sun which now shows a relaxed Mr. G WITH sunglasses and two fans looking a bit “flashed” cause we left our sunglasses in the car.

Anyway,Per asked us how are things going these days and I told him that we are enjoying the nice SPA in his hotel. Normally I wanted to asked him what kind of demos (ROX, PG, GT, SOAP?) he had just recorded but I forgot…or my mind was again blown away a bit as usual in such situations. I really have to work on that. 🙂 At least I remembered to ask him if he got the DVD a friend of mine created for him some weeks ago ( I created the cover…!!) and he confirmed that. Than Per also mentioned a big great poster he had got from some fans from Bulgaria which he really seemed to like. After that he noticed sort of relieved that he didn’t get a parking ticket, got into his car, said: “See you around” and that was it. 🙂

Together with the great sunny weather and the really enspiring Hotel it made our holidays even more perfect. Thanks for that Per! 🙂 I’m really looking forward to NOTP now and thought that Per still seemed to be very
relaxed and not nervous about this big event coming up at all.

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