Online store for Roxette merchandise

Official Roxette store for merchandiseAs ‘The Daily Roxette’ reports, an offical online store for Roxette merchandise has opened it’s doors pages. Currently it sells the same things as seen at the Proms tour: t-shirts, mugs, bags and more. It’s run from the UK, we don’t know yet by whom. Check it out!

Source: TDR

Edit: It’s run by EMI.

Update, November 2: I asked if they plan to sell additional articles like key-rings or also ‘retro’ stuff from the previous tours and got the following response:

At this moment in time, we only have merchandise for the current tour
> but we do hope to expand on that soon!

2 thoughts on “Online store for Roxette merchandise”

  1. Nice to finally have an official store for Roxette stuff! Weired that located in the UK, who runs it? I’ll get the coffee mug without a doubt! The black shirt’s nice too, but I’d probably not wear it – like the shorts before. The train is cute! 🙂

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