NOTP tour: Antwerp, November 7, concert #10

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Per Gessle’s comments:

Absolutely stunning gig last night. What a crowd! And Marie’s out of this world at the moment. Is Pelle still in the bar?

Official videos:

Joyride, IMHBL 1, IMHBL2, LTYH

Fans stories:


From Sandra:

At the 7th of November there was no big difference to the day before. If I have to compare them I would say the 6th was just a little bit better. Problem for me was, that at WICF Marie was sitting on the right side of the stage (one day earlier she was sitting on the left) and between her and me was the camera guy. That was really disturbing because I couldn’t see her at all. The rest was as great as the day before.

A lot of eyecontact with P & M, Per using the catwalk, Marie standing up from the barstool in the middle of IMHBL and LTYH but Chris without hat this time. At the end Per was looking where to throw the flowers and when he looked at me I was pointing at myself, screaming “C’mon, over here!” and… yes, he threw them into my direction and it was easy to catch them. Good shot, Mr G! Thanks!!

This time it was C&C coming out after the show. We asked them which show they think was best so far and they said probably the 6th of November. While we were talking to them the van with Marie, Per and the rest of the band was driving by. All of them having a big smile on their faces. We offered C&C a ride to the hotel but they refused it. To quote Per: “hey, can’t win ’em all!” 😀

It was wonderful. For me it can’t get any better but still I’m looking forward to Rotterdam… Wooooohhhhhoooooo!!!

YouTube Clips:

Wish I Could Fly | The Look | It must have been love |
The Look| It must have been love | The Look

Media reports/reviews:

15 thoughts on “NOTP tour: Antwerp, November 7, concert #10”

  1. I so love The Look here … Marie puts a lot of energy on stage makes me want to sing along and watch the video again and again … * sighs *

  2. Just watched the full video of It Must Have Been Love – it’s absolutely amazing! It’s the first version of the song I’ve heard in many years that has the correct lyrics throughout (even Per changed the first verse during the Party Crasher tour) with none of the choruses changed round or repeated. Marie sings this song as well as she has ever done – she looks natural and there is little or no hint of the difficult journey that has brought her to this point. Well done!

  3. Could finally watch the latest clips with sound. Awsome!! 😀 As long as the filmers don’t sing long loudly… 😉

  4. Thanks for the report Sandra (Sunny I guess ;)) ???
    I’m sooooooo looking forward to “my” 3 shows….!!

  5. @ ChrissieR: Yep, that’s me 😉

    Btw, I think the first “The Look” video that has been added to this topic is actually from the 4th (if I’m not mistaken). Chris was wearing no hat at all on the 7th 😉

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