Vote for Roxette as best band ever!

Posted on October 12:

Big German radio station WDR2 runs a poll to find the best band of all times. Wouldn’t it be fun to see Roxette high up there?

The poll ends November 5 and a big countdown will be broadcasted November 7 and 8. The website is in German but it’s easy: Just choose “Roxette” from the list, click “weiter”, type in the code, choose “Nein, …” and click “jetzt abstimmen”. Ready!

Additionally you can win 200 albums or a journey, tickets and a meeting for concerts with Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys or Nickelback. If you want, just choose “Ja, …” and fill in your data and click “jetzt abstimmen”.

On WDR2: Info page (in German) | The poll

PS. You can listen to WDR2 via livestream.

Update, November 8: Roxette made it to number 50!

Not bad, taking into acount how many new artists/bands appear on the hitlists every year. Keep in mind that this voting was heavily influenced by fan groups as the positions of some teengroups (Monrose, No Angels) show… 😉

The result on WDR2

2 thoughts on “Vote for Roxette as best band ever!”

  1. Not bad! also because they are higher than artists like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jamiroquai, Spice Girls, zztop and other big names.
    Congratulations Roxette! and……congratulations Depeche Mode!

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