I have read about it in the Polish press almost a week ago, but I thought it was one of those stories which are not worth mentioning. But still – I have decided to post it here. After all only gods know what’s the truth.
The rumour has it that Roxette may perform as the main star on the New Year’s Eve public party organized by the authorities of Lodz, the third-largest city in Poland. The other propositions of so-called stars are: Ace of Bace or Sandra (!).
The whole concert will be broadcasted by TVP2, the second chanell of public television and watched, as always, by millions of Poles who stay at home on the New Year’s Eve. The budget for this even is about 700,000 euros.
Unfortunately, even if it’s true, I don’t think it will be live and we cannot expect more than 4-5 songs.
Sources: Polska Dziennik, Ekspres Ilustrowany
Can you write a mail to the organizers and ask?
Waited for this article! Well, we’re used to 4-5 songs by now. 😉 Is Rox mentioned as a possible or confirmed act? Is the news spread by various media?
Roxette is mentioned only as a possible act: in the second article they write:” The stars of the new Year’s Eve concert is unknown yet: Will it be Ricky Martin, Roxette, Ace of Base, Sandra (?)..”
Similar the words from the first magazin:”..maybe Sandra, Ace of Base, Roxette,..”
So at the momentthey are in the phase of considerations about whom to invite.
As I remember, roxette never did some show during the New Year’s Eve, or they did? Is anyone whos know that, some show roxette’s during New Year’s Eve??
So, I don’t believe that they can change them mind and
make show in Poland.
Only wishes – many of us – for sure, but nothing realistic, as i supposed.
Don’t know if they did some time, but they planned a concert in South Africa for 2001/2002 and later cancelled due to the 9/11 terror fear.