“Night of the Proms” turns into “The Nokia Night of the Proms”

So here they move on German roads. “The Night of the Proms” tour turns its name into “The Nokia Night of the Proms” thanks to the main sponsor of this event in Germany. 20 more shows to go!

The Nokia Night of the Proms 2009.

Comment from Project_Z:

The tour has ended for Toots Thielemans, Sharon den Adel & OMD… Here come Alan Parsons (with singer PJ Olsen), Heaven17 & Christina Stürmer…

Will there be surprises on the part of Roxette? Will WICF stay in the first part of show? Will WICF stay in the show at all or will it be replaced with another song (as suggested of a NotP-forum)?
Which classical piece will be replaced by “Le Carnaval Romain”? as this piece is on the CD, but wasn’t played in Antwerp, Arnhem or Rotterdam. Will Swedish Rhapsody leave the playlist, taking WICF along (as suggested of a NotP-forum)?
Will a “new” Roxette-song enter the playlist? Church of your heart to replace WICF?

Questions, questions, questions… to be answered next Friday in Hamburg!

15 thoughts on ““Night of the Proms” turns into “The Nokia Night of the Proms””

  1. The tour has ended for Toots Thielemans, Sharon den Adel & OMD… Here come Alan Parsons (with singer PJ Olsen), Heaven17 & Christina Stürmer…

    Will there be surprises on the part of Roxette? Will WICF stay in the first part of show? Will WICF stay in the show at all or will it be replaced with another song (as suggested of a NotP-forum)?
    Which classical piece will be replaced by “Le Carnaval Romain”? as this piece is on the CD, but wasn’t played in Antwerp, Arnhem or Rotterdam. Will Swedish Rhapsody leave the playlist, taking WICF along (as suggested of a NotP-forum)?
    Will a “new” Roxette-song enter the playlist? Church of your heart to replace WICF?

    Questions, questions, questions,… to be answered next Friday in Hamburg !

  2. Excited to go for Hamburg so soon! 🙂 Hoping for big media coverage of the German tourstart. Btw. http://www.ndr2.de radio is media partner for Hamburg (and Bremen, Hannover) Maybe they’ll broadcast some songs?

  3. And I don’t think WICF will be changed against COYH. That was just for fun, warming up. Afaik WICF worked great after the initial problems.

    If another ballad, Crash! Boom! Bang! would be fab. Always sounded great on tour – and it’s big, epic, orchestra-fitting. 🙂

  4. COYH is cheap, WICF is one of the best songs Per has ever written. It’s as easy as that! But I am quite sure all five songs will be played after the break..or to be more precise: I KNOW it. 😀

  5. hm lost here, who has started to spread the rumours about WICF? a NOTP fan? I can only find the info about WICF being removed, but nothing about Church (which at first I thought you mean Center OYH! ;))

    Let’s tweet Per about it?

  6. That would be cool too! The fast synthie played by strings! But it’s The Centre Of The Heart > TCOTH 😛

  7. @ Judith : no rumours, just shooting some questions of things that might change between the BE/NL playlist and the D playlist…
    I just picked up Church because of the home videos…

    My guess for friday : Swedish Rhapsody + WICF, TL, IMHBL, JOY, LTYH in one block at the end of the show.

  8. @Ros : glad you like my video 🙂
    It seems I had a vision in January after seeing NotP 2008 on TV…

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