Magnus Börjeson, musician from Malmö and Lund, founder of Beagle (the Swedish band), actor in “Music for one apartment and six drummers”, has played with e.g. Per Gessle, Son of a Plumber and Brainpool. “Mad Men” is at the top of his favourite TV-show, alongside with Danish “Matador”. He tells Sydsvenskan about its phenomenon.
Why do you like “Mad Men”?
– The tone of the narrative above all. It tells about the by-gone times, the junction of pure 1950’s and 1960’s stories. “Happy Days” are gone but the Beatles have not landed yet. This is echoed in the characters, in the script and in the design. There is a deceptive calm over everything. The charming, simple surface is fantastic to watch, but there is uncertainty in everything that makes it more dramatic.
Why did you watch this tv-series over the internet?
– I got the American iTunes-account just after the first season was broadcasted in the USA and I got addicted just after the first scene. When the second season started, I have quickly bought the subscribtion. Then downloading a new episode every Monday was like having Christmas Eve every week.
More on Mad Man on Wikipedia.