6 thoughts on “Watch greetings by Roxette from the video recordings!”

  1. MARIE looks so great here – wow!!
    I am so excited that Roxette is back and doing the music scene again. Yes! Yes! Yes! 🙂

  2. Per looked so funny talking like that… He has high sEnse of humour, even Marie laughed so hard… Love to see they’re so happy!

  3. Than good.
    Per says in Spanish “fantástico” (fantastic). I like the humor of Per.
    Marie is fantastic (fantástica).Marie looks so great here – wow!!!
    “Really?” ,”Oh!” ,”Yeah?”……………

    • Yes I say again Marie looks great here. For someone who has had cancer and beaten it she looks fantastic! I really think she has ALOT of courage to face the world stage and critics again. Go Marie!

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