Berlin show sold out!

Roxette’s world tour concert in Berlin appears to be sold out at the biggest ticket vendor This could change again with additional contingents but indicates the nearing end of capacity. However, the promotion partner Spreeradio still has tickets on sale. So if you think about going there — don’t wait too long!

Update: A couple of hours later the other official ticket vendors like and have sold out as well. Be cautious if you buy from unknown re-sellers! The normal price was between 59 and 62 €.

8 thoughts on “Berlin show sold out!”

  1. What “z.Zt” abberviation means? It is strange, cos it was green just few days ago, I thought another step would be orange or yellow, but it became red. That’s good. Maybe this is the reason why they decided to add 2 more shows. Still thinking if they shouldn’t do at least one in the north of Germany.

  2. z.Zt. means “at the moment”. Great it’s sold out! 🙂 I finally should buy my ticket for Leipzig, ha!

  3. And I just bought my tickets on Monday… lucky! 😛 An additional show in northern Germany would be fab indeed.

  4. They should definetely do Hamburg!! I was there in 2004 at a Melissa Etheridge concert in a park, it was fantastic! Very Swedish 🙂

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