UK Release April 4th

According to Amazon UK ‘Charm School’ seems to have a release date of 4th April in the UK, they currently have for pre-order the album at £11.99 and the Deluxe Version at £14.99, both however are listed as imports but I suspect this has just not been removed from the previous listings they had for the imported versions as previously advertised. also have both versions of the album listed as well with a date of 4th April! The deluxe version is £12.99 and the regular album is £8.99.

3 thoughts on “UK Release April 4th”

  1. Whilst it is still a shame we’re not getting this at the same time as the rest of Europe it’s great that there is actually a UK release. I wonder what sales will be like if the majority of fans want the physical album sooner and decide to import from the rest of Europe rather than waiting till April?

  2. Great news to see the album…and a single is being released here in the UK. That’s the Monday after my birthday too, great present. :@)

    Hope EMI put some effort behind Charm School. Was really annoyed about how they ignored Room Service. I still believe that could have done well if only there had been some promotion.

    Can’t wait to hear Charm School, 3 weeks on Monday!

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