First number of Swedish magazine StyleBy includes a story about Marie Fredriksson

The first number of new Swedish fashion magazine StyleBy, which hits the streets today, features a fashion reportage about Marie Fredriksson’s style through the years as well a short interview with her. In the pages various models wear 10 of her outfits, with a comment to each piece by Marie.

Jonna Bergh, editor in chief and publisher of StyleBy, told us that Marie has stored all her outfits in a huge wardrove, “it was like a fashion museum!”.

The magazine is also available as a free app for iPad called StyleBy+. You can buy the magazine via this app, which includes a very cool photo of Marie which is not in the screenshots below.

StyleBy gave us permission to post screenshots of the article. A translation of Marie’s comments will be available in short!

20 thoughts on “First number of Swedish magazine StyleBy includes a story about Marie Fredriksson”

  1. According to places where the mag available, it’s trying to be very high quality fashion mag. Great for Marie to be reviewed there. And in addition, it’s sooo fantastic she’s (well, of course alive, but also) in the age of 52 (and I think her face look even older, the cancer treatments must have been quite hard for her), she’s still looking so good, very hot and above all herself. What a role model indeed. 🙂

  2. Anybody have any photos from this magazine?? I guess they have lovely photos!!

    Marie has always been stylish!! She still wears outfits that looks GREAT!!

  3. It’s strange but for me Marie has gotten prettier as time went by. I think in the mid nineties to early 2000 she was still a very hot beautiful woman; better looking than in the 80’s when she was in her 30’s!
    How many women can say that in their 40’s they looked bettter than in their 30’s! Not many I am sure. And yes obviously the radiation and chemo therapy has taken it’s toll on Marie as it really kills off your healthy cells in the process, but Marie looks again better now than in 2006 to me. Even if she has aged which is unavoidable. But nowadays with the right make up applied Marie is still a very hot 52 year old rock star 🙂 Could someone please share the photos with us from this mag – would love to see the change over the years from their perspective!

    • My thoughts exactly. She has really aged with style. I think she looks best during the CBB and RS and now CS times. It would be nice to know how much her rockin’ beauty has to do with the way she feels herself.

  4. I think Marie looked VERY stylish on those 4 promo pix we got lately. I even framed the 2 pix of where Marie has that dark outfit on, the suit, if you may. It looks so professional and classy.

  5. Marie’s been dressed for success most of the time! I guess the Soul Deep (?) leather dress is in fashion again… 😛

  6. the “Big L.” suit and Joyride video tights were always favourites of mine

  7. Marie has always looked gorgeous in her clothes and she’s always chosen them carefully. But sorry, those thin models with their scary looks and their spastic postures make them all look ridiculous. Looking swell (as Per would put it) does not only depend on WHAT somebody’s wearing but also on the individual’s personality. Which Marie has a great deal of. And the models – interchangeable as they are – don’t. My 2 cents. (However: I think it’s great that a fashion magazine has discovered Marie as the fashion queen she is.)

  8. Both Marie and Per have good eye on clothes. It would be intetesting to see similar article about Per’s style over time.

  9. Hi! Did anyone ever manage to get any translations of Marie’s comments as mentioned in the article? Would be very interesting to read.

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