Australian website reviews “Charm School”

Same Same, a well-known Australian gay and lesbian lifestyle website has written an extensive and positive review of “Charm School”. Here some quotes:

“…the word that comes to mind when trying to place this album in context is ‘respect’ – respect for making an album worth making, one that surprised me and kept me listening…”

“…one reason the album works so well is the intermingling of, essentially solo, tracks by Marie and Per, with their work as a duo…”


1 thought on “Australian website reviews “Charm School””

  1. Very good review!

    “Whereas before I heard Roxette, I now hear the independent talents of two artists sharing the spotlight, showcasing their mastery of melody and rhythm to create a harmonious texture, supported by considered production and musicians who really know what they’re doing.”

    In a nutshell this reviewer also share my thoughts on Roxette. I think previously when planet earth thought about Roxette Marie Fredriksson only came to mind. Now with Marie that has almost taken a step back from the spotlight, people realise Per Gessle’s true talent and amazing contribution to Roxette the band. And the band is also doing a fantastic job to create the phenomenon called Roxette. I hope to be reading more of these kind of insightful reviews of Roxette. Nice 🙂

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