Update: MyVideo has the video in HD quality. Available only from certain countries. The HD video is available on You Tube for you all.
21 thoughts on ““Way Out” video is out!”
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Update: MyVideo has the video in HD quality. Available only from certain countries. The HD video is available on You Tube for you all.
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Run to you-2 ))))
but it’s a great video, much more better than the Radio
the band if fantastic, the best one ever!!!!!!)))
I agree, rty part 2. But I still like it. The black and white is cool!. I like the chemistry between the P&M and the band and the fans. The behind the scenes feel is great too.
I do like it a lot!!
That rough black and white makes it look a bit like the photostyle of Anton Corbijn’s work, which I admire.
The clip is a good tour promotion as well. You can see, M&P and the band have lots of fun on and off stage. 🙂
Love this video, truely. The last time I had this same kind of feeling was like 2002 with “A thing about you”. It was so looooong time ago and now it’s up again. Love it!! So much better than SGNO.
Hey dolls and boys, now it’s turn to do STM video. It can be in the autumn for German market, I don’t care, but STM has to have a video as well! 😀
yeah some nice big pretty colourful epic type clip for stm, kinda like flaf and matah etc
Very nice video!! so much better than SGNOBTR, much more true to the real Marie & Per + band!! awesome
And you’re in! 😀
Really great! very touching! the band at their best! And the final handshake! Aaaawwww!!
Love it!
Yeah, gotta love the final handshake.
Just watched twice and I love it!
If you want to download the video, so here is your chance (thanks to Emilio for that!)
love love love it!!! I got goosebumps watching it!! I haven’t had this feeling for a long long time, She doesn’t live here maybe???
amazing, great smiles, get shots, the fans, the whole band.. the whole essence of Roxette is packed in this video 😀
Just added the MyVideo link. I couldn’t watch it with full sound yet, but I like the vibe and style! Makes you long for the concerts! 🙂
definetely!!! now I don’t regret so much going to so “many” 😛
And Vienna was finally added to the list and made official after so many weeks “hidden” ! YAY!
Absolutely love it! Can’t believe I’m gonna finally see them in 3 days!!! I’m salivating!
great video i lke it!
I don’t understand why so many people think that the WO video is so much better than the SGNOBTR video- these are simply two different styles. SGNOBTR tells a (love?) story and in WO the story is Roxette on tour! Both videos got their own quality. Roxette can’t always do the same, I think it is great that the videos are so different! And SPTM will be a new surprise! 😉
WO hd for download.
thanks for the downloads 🙂
it’s taken from here