World Tour 2011: Graz, Austria – June 3 #32

Comment from Per Gessle

Back from the Graz-gig! Thanx everyone for a most memorable evening. The Look was fab! Your singing was awesome, Always a pleasure to play in Austria! See ya in Vienna next time, folks! Cheers! P&M

01. Dressed For Success
02. Sleeping In My Car
03. The Big L.
04. Wish I Could Fly
05. Only When I Dream
06. She’s Got Nothing On (But the Radio)
07. Perfect Day
08. Things Will Never Be The Same
09. It Must Have Been Love
10. Opportunity Nox
11. 7twenty7
12. Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave)
13. How Do You Do!
14. Dangerous
Band presentation
15. Joyride (introduced with Austrian song)
16. Spending My Time
17. The Look

18. Listen To Your Heart
19. Church Of Your Heart

Joe Cocker was the artist that performed before Roxette’s concert. Around 8,000 people in the audience (according to police sources – 4,000)

Article and photos, Kleinezeitung (concert gallery), Kleinezeitung (fan gallery),

7 thoughts on “World Tour 2011: Graz, Austria – June 3 #32”

  1. This was the second show that we attended this week and it was quit good but the oronisation was not. Istead of the inlet a 16.00 we could only enter at 16.30 because the security was given orders from their boss . They feared the crowd more than the crowd them. After this an second fence was to past. This should have been opened at 18.00 but an thunderstorm coming forced the secutity to open this fence so peopele could enter finally infront of the stage.

    Beening in the 2nd row was really an new experience. Unforthunately the waiting for Roxette was unbeliveable long. They enterd the Stage at 10.10!!!! Although I have respect for Joe Cocker and the played very good it was extremly long play 1,5 hours from them. Before that a 2nd thunderstorm with heavy rain forced the croud to get raincoats on. Roxette played fast and again with very much energy. But only 19 SONGS !!! NOT 20 ( No Stars, No Silver Blue, No Way out !!- It was very poor but the reason was the time delay becasue the power went of for 15 minutes befor the 1st band)

    The singing quality of the croud was not high as in Budapest they screemed a lot and there where less activity because of the long waiting. We all were somewhat tiered after 6 hours of waiting so our power fell a bit. Marie was in Top form self confident and relaxed. she did an perfect text without any problems. After the concert I waited very long to see the Band an for getting an autograph for my “Pearls of Passion” Album. I was not successfuly with that becasue the security told us that the will not come out before they leeve. anyway I had an fantastic meeting with an very nice guy: Christopher L. .-YES we talked about the short set list, and about new songs from CS-forseen to play in upcoming concerts. And belive it or not he told me that they are playing also Speak To me before the shows and it is very likely that this and also “No one makes it on her own” will be played at later shows-YEEEEEAAAAR!

    He also told me that the whole band likes Speak to me and that that Song is the best on the Album it their opiion too. According to Clarens this track should also be realised in the original version. Maybee later also as single. The situation with EMIU is strange. It was so satisfying to hear this form Chrisoper, he is and real amazing musican. He told me also at my question about songs from the 1st Album that they have Songs like “soul deep” and “neverending love” on the extendend setlist of possible songs. Woaooh! I can tell you this 25 minutes of pearsonal Interview with Christopher were worth every minute of our 12 Hours trip. There should be also something new to come from Roxette…

  2. Thanks for your report! I inserted some paragraphs to make it easier to read. 😉

    To hear one of the new ballads in concert would be a treat, but I doubt they make it until Berlin or Cologne.

  3. Thanks for the report!

    Your right judging by the You Tube videos I saw Marie was the best she’s been probably since South America : ) She sings so much better when she’s relaxed.

    I’m coming all the way from Australia in July, hope they add ‘Speak To Me’ by then : )

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