Travelling charting

New Roxette album Travelling entered official Czech album chart on #7. Although was realease date set to this Monday, album was already released last week in Thusrday. So only two days were enought for Travelling to jump on positin 7. FYI Charm School scored #1 and received Gold status in Czech Republic last year.

Additionally “It’s possible” debuted at #64 on German single charts.

4 thoughts on “Travelling charting”

  1. According to EMI, the album will be released in Argentina on April 4. Back in 2011, Charm School was the best-selling album during February. But sadly, the CAPIF website was hacked by Anonymous months ago, and the new website ( does not list the rankings anymore. I emailed them, just in case, but I don’t think their answer will be possitive.

  2. Not that the website was the most updated page on earth before… 😛
    I hope you find another source for the chart info.

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