Per Gessle presents his wine to the world

The two red wines that are part of The Per Gessle Selection, “Furet” and “Kurt&Lisa”, were presented yesterday to the Swedish media.

Aftonbladet also talked with Per, he revealed why the label on “Furet” doesn’t feature him but a bicicle in front of his childhood home, “it’s not allowed in the EU to have children on bottles of wine.” You will find some pictures of the event in Aftonbladet‘s article. This blog also has a short review of the wines.

The winery producing Per’s wines is Allegrini, located just north of Verona, Italy. Allegrini is the leading producer in the Valpolicella Classico area and one of the most highly acclaimed wineries in Italy and throughout the world.

The wines were initially made for Hotel Tylösand but Per felt that they turned out so great that it would be a shame if they were not made available commercially. “Kurt & Lisa” and “Furet” will be available at Systembolaget on November 1st. “Kurt & Lisa” is a limited edition (1000 bottles).

Some of Allegrini’s wines have more than 90 Robert Parker points or some Gamero Rosso glasses so we might be in for a treat! I will tell you in November.

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