4 thoughts on “Two titles in two days”

  1. So it’s confirmed now that there’s gonna be two DVD releases? One documental and one live from different shows?

  2. Really great news about the two DVD’s – only thing that will top this now at this precise time is PG revealing a live CD/s with tracks from the Charm School world tour 2011/12! 🙂

  3. Where did you get this from?

    If i’m not mistaken, it was originally said a shortened version of the doco will be played on TV before the DVD release.

    Just because they have different names doesn’t mean it’s two different things. So i’m leaning more to the fact that the DVD will be the doco + extras.

  4. One it’s the title of the DVD, the other is the title of the documentary you will find on it when you play it. And maybe some additional extras, like the official videos from Charm School or something like that. The concert compilation will be aired on SVT but, as long as I know, it won’t be available on a separate DVD.

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