#gtsommar #3 – Gyllene Tider in Helsingborg – front row report

By the time me and my friends arrived to the venue (Sofiero, Helsingborg), we were already 20 fans waiting outside. The security supervisor started telling us he would find out an organized way of how to get to the stage. Quote of the day: ”I’m sick of you running.” 😉 So, by the help of our very own Celestte Williams and all first 50 fans, he organized a very calm entrance with no running and all of us could get to the best places in the front row. Great job!



Atli, Security Supervisor of the year (btw, the pass is looking good, isn’t it?)


While we were waiting for the gig to start, Sven Lindström appeared with a Photo pass and greated some international familiar faces.



Sven Lindström chatting with fans


There were several news appearing whether one can have a picnic during the gig or not. The final decision was that anyone who felt like bringing a picnic basket, eating and drinking wine on a blanket during the concert, they were very welcome. Still a strange tradition.

After the support act, Gyllene Tider hit the stage. I thought my 2nd concert will be at least as much fun as the premiere gig was, but unfortunately, the sound was very weak – I could hear my voice better than Per’s and actually, the whole sound was somehow very low. Maybe in the back, on the blankets it sounded better.

Micke Syd didn’t seem to be in a very good mood this night. He wasn’t acting as much with the crowd as usually. The one who took the cake today was definitely DJ Fritzon. We could see he enjoyed the show to the full and did a top class Farfisa magic again.

Anyway, we enjoyed the concert despite the bad sound and some pushing, drunken girls, who couldn’t accept that there are ”some” other fans around them. One short note to all Swedes who can’t imagine that foreign Roxette fans can be Gyllene Tider fans at the same time: it’s possible! So, don’t be surprised and don’t question our being a fan when you see us at any concerts. 😉



Per during Kung av sand


Regarding the setlist, it’s nice that there was a slight change again.



Intro: cartoon

1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling

2. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej

3. Juni, juli, augusti

4. Det hjärta som brinner

5. På jakt efter liv

6. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjöman

7. Man blir yr

8. En sten vid en sjö i en skog

9. Min tjej och jag / Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång (medley)

10. Tuffa tider

11. Kung av sand

12. Flickorna på TV2

13. (Hon vill ha) Puls

14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta

15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly

16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet

17. Tylö sun

Extra 1:

18. Billy

19. Det är över nu

20. När vi två blir en

21. Gå & fiska!

Extra 2:

22. Sommartider

23. Dags att tänka på refrängen

24. När alla vännerna gått hem


Keep “Dags att tänka på refrängen” in, please!


All pics in this article are © Patrícia Peres



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