#gtsommar #10 Gyllene Tider in Örebro – front row report

Actually, thinking about the fact that it was the 3rd show in a row and as all those attending Leksand gig said that was a hyperenergetic concert, I had no expectations for Örebro. I thought the guys will be tired, won’t have that much energy – as they are not fifty anymore 😉 –, but I was surprised by their huge power. All of them were really fresh and enjoyed every second on stage. For me it was the most active gig so far, if we are talking about jumping, clapping, waving, etc.

There was a funny stage scene, when Micke N-S brought Per the cherry guitar. In Karlstad, there was a problem with Per’s black guitar, when they came back for the 2nd extra with Sommartider and Micke N-S had to come to the stage and change the guitar settings from silent mode to normal, while Per was playing the guitar. It was hilarious. So, after that I guess they were joking with this, because last night Micke showed to Per that the guitar was now set to the right mode and then they were laughing with Micke Syd and Per was smiling at that too. It was lovely.

I have to mention that Linnea Henriksson, GT’s support act is very nice and always says thanks to the international gang on the shows since some gigs ago and to give something back, Nina Wolfframm found out that it might be a good idea to bring some nice, colourful balloons to the show. Does it ring a bell to any Roxers? 😉 Well, Linnea’s stage outfit and all the decorations are also very colourful, so the balloons looked great and Linnea was really touched by this action.

Regarding the setlist, Leksand was the first gig on this tour where they played Marie i växeln and they kept it for Örebro. No other ”surprise”.



1. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej
2. Juni, juli, augusti
3. Det hjärta som brinner
4. På jakt efter liv
5. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjöman
6. Man blir yr
7. Marie i växeln
8. Min tjej och jag
9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
10. Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)
11. Kung av sand
12. Flickorna på TV2
13. (Hon vill ha) Puls
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
17. Tylö sun

Extra 1:

18. Billy
19. Det är över nu
20. När vi två blir en
21. Gå & fiska!

Extra 2:

22. Sommartider
23. Dags att tänka på refrängen
24. När alla vännerna gått hem


Per_Gessle_shirt_No_1  Per_Gessle_shirt_No_2  Per_Gessle_shirt_No_3

Per’s tour shirts: same design, different GT logo colours (yellow, red, white)


All pics in this article are © Patrícia Peres