Songs on the new Roxette DVD / Blu-ray and live CD

Last week we already informed you about the content of the upcoming Roxette DVD / Blu-ray and Per added his comments on it regarding what the DVD and the Blu-ray really contain.

Now the lists of songs are also published on a Bulgarian website (Radio N-JOY) both for the live part of the DVD and the live CD. The text says the DVD presents a complete live show including 90 minutes of the most inspiring and energetic performances on stage by Roxette, recorded in Curitiba in Brazil, Cordoba in Argentina and Santiago in Chile. They are not mentioning any other countries, so there might not be that much of a mix of the crowd scenes as in the TV cut. Not sure if the stage views are not only from Santiago as it was in the TV cut. At least, it gives us hope that constant cuts in the DVD version are also changed. We’ll see it when the DVD is out on 6th December, 2013.

Roxette – Live ‘Travelling the World’ 
Tracklist  (DVD + Blu-ray)

1. Dressed For Success
2. Sleeping In My Car
3. The Big L
4. Silver Blue
5. Stars
6. She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
7. Perfect Day
8. Things Will Never Be The Same
9. It Must Have Been Love
10. It’s Possible
11. 7Twenty7
12. Fading Like A Flower
13. Crash! Boom! Bang!
14. How Do You Do!
15. Dangerous
16. Joyride
17. Spending My Time
18. The Look
19. Listen To Your Heart
20. Church Of Your Heart


Live CD
Roxette Live at Caupolican, Santiago, Chile May 5th 2012

1. Dressed For Success
2. Sleeping In My Car
3. The Big L
4. She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
5. Perfect Day
6. It Must Have Been Love
7. It’s Possible
8. 7Twenty7
9. Fading Like A Flower
10. Crash Boom Bang!
11. How Do You Do!
12. Dangerous
13. Joyride
14. Spending My Time
15. The Look
16. Listen To Your Heart

Bonus tracks (will be available only digitally)

17. Silver Blue
18. Church of Your Heart


Regarding ”Silver Blue” as a bonus track the article says: ”fans’ favourite song for live performance all around the world, forcing Roxette to add it to the setlist”.

In one of our earlier posts on Facebook we shared a link Roxette Cafe found and there we could see the teaser for the docu and the cover of the docu part. Not sure if it’s still the real deal, as Per posted another pic as how the DVD cover will look like.

flyer-roxette-recto_lo_res                DVD-BLURAY _cover


Update at 14:30 CET, 1st November: this might be the real deal (however, the letters in the title are not put down in a straight line… hm… hm…). Cover pic shared by Orpheus Music in Bulgaria. Looks better than the one Per shared (I guess that one was a draft attached to the documents to get the certificate in Germany), but still not as energetic as the one shared by GAD. That cover pic is expressing more what the World Tour was about.


Photo on the cover is from 24/07/2011, Slottsskogsvallen, Göteborg (Thanx, Roxette Cafe for letting us know.)


Update by Per regarding the cover – the one HE shared earlier:

Yes yes, this is the upcoming Dec 6 release of the DVD/BluRay. Lots of covers are floating around, I’m getting dizzy!

Thanx for finding the source of info and letting us know, Celestte Williams.

11 thoughts on “Songs on the new Roxette DVD / Blu-ray and live CD”

  1. Great to have a concert on video and audio!
    Even the CD is like a full gig for me as I’m more used to the festival setlists than the full concert setlist from this tour.

    So it’s also the 2012 edition on CD. Was still hoping for a good version of Only When I Dream. You can’t have it all. 😉

  2. The 3 covers are hideous, in my opinion. Marie looks weird in the one by GAD (looks like Per was stepping on her foot). The others are cold, uninspired. They lack something.

  3. It’s a shame that there are no Only When I Dream & Way Out – 2 track from CS. Would be great to have even the audio only on CD as Way Out wasn’t played in South America. :/

    But all in all cant waint to see it really – becouse it takes so long from the end of tour to release this DVD/BD – too long!

    • Way Out was played in South America, in 2011 (it was removed the following year). In Montevideo and Buenos Aires, at least. Regarding Only When I Dream, I cannot say I will miss it. I think it was one of the worst performances during the whole tour, and the audience didn’t react at all when it was played. No surprise it was removed too.

      • All in all I better want new track – that never were released in Live versions that older with several versions.

        I like Only When I Dream live performace – i think it sonds better than Charm School version – but it need a good mix, because all bootlegs versions werent so good.

        Another thing I miss – are the videos from latest singles – it was good chance to update Roxette videography.

      • It is no surprise that the audience who generally visit concerts to enjoy Roxette’s famous songs did not react to OWID, which was just a non-single track from Charm School… But I bet many hardcore fans actually enjoyed this track being played live

      • MartinTexas: But it was ommited because this was recorded during the 2012 leg of the tour, and OWID was not played then. That’s why Wish I Could Fly is missing too.

        Anyway, you can watch it in Youtube. Look for the Buenos Aires performance (I was there), and you’ll understand why I say it didn’t sound ‘right’, haha.

    • I don’t know what “hardcore” means for you, but I am a fan. And OWID didn’t sound right live. It’s not a good track to be played in concert, and Marie had many difficults through the whole song. 7Twenty7 is also an album track that may be unknown to the ‘general’ audiences, but the reaction was a lot more possitive. OWID was plain boring.

      • I don’t know what “It’s not a good track to be played in concert” means. 😀 I think all tracks could be played Live, but some have to have special treatment 😉
        What about Stars & 7Twenty7 – looking at album versions both are not good types for playing live – but after some reworking are one of the best songs.

        OWID Live as I said was better than album version – and just this reason is good to release it somewhere – it doestn’t has to be this DVD, it could also be a single or bonus CD, but sadly they ommited it.

        PS I feel sometimes like hardcore fan – and as for me I looking for some rarities (like rare live version), not only n-th version of hit.

      • If you read my comment carefully, you will see that I wrote “many hardcore fans”, not hardcore fans in general. I am not saying that everyone who likes Roxette a lot has to love OWID played live as well 🙂 As for the difficulties, it would have been strange if she hadn’t had them – this was a completely new song, so she must have felt rather uncomfortable while signing it. But still, she tried her best.
        I would also like to mention that catchy pop/rock songs are more likely to make the audience react than slower songs like OWID…

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