After Halmstad concert I was definitely longing for more shows and now I had the chance to come back to Sweden and see the concert in Linköping. Since those fans who were there yesterday said Borås concert was amazing, I expected a fabulous show tonight, too. And it was indeed a fabulous concert.
Marie and the band enjoy being on stage during this tour more and more by every show. It feels so good to see that, even when people in the crowd in rows from row No. 4 are not really reacting. Marie’s voice was in a perfect shape, as well as all the instruments and their players. The audience? Well… No one could ever explain it to me why Swedes act like how they are acting during such concerts. There are, of course, exceptions (e.g. Växjö, Göteborg, Halmstad), but the Swedish part of most of the crowds during this tour is… I just can’t understand them. Why is it so difficult to stand up? They can’t even see the stage if we are standing and dancing and jumping in the first 3 or so rows and they are sitting, so no clue why they can’t join us. OK, if they don’t stand up, they could at least clap according to the ”choreography” Surjo, Micke or Marie are showing on stage during some songs. That would be so easy. Anyway, Marie enjoyed the reaction of the first rows and we are very happy about it. As usual.
International fans stood up already during Kom vila hos mig, but this time we missed out on standing up at Så länge det lyser mittemot, however the song would have wanted us to do so. At Efter stormen nothing could stop us, we stood up again and had a great party. After the break, Marie came back and we stood up again. It was just then when the Swedes stood up, too. They seemed to like Mellan sommar och höst. Then we sat down and towards the end of Tro, we stood up again. Then Marie also showed the audience to stand up, but first they were not reacting. After some moments they realized they should also stand up, so they did so. Phew.
At the end of the concert, Russian fans threw their red, heart-shaped balloons to the stage and Jokke and Micke were playing with them as if those would have been their hearts, beating. It was lovely.
The venue was not really full. There were 3 rows in the very front, where normally the orchestra has its place, but now there were seats. Even there were some empty places, so those fans, who could buy tickets only for the 5th-7th rows could come to the front and party there. This was the first time I was sitting in a seat from where I could see Pelle, too during the whole concert. On other concerts I was sitting in one of the first 3 rows, but in the middle, so he was hiding behind the cymbals and Marie. Tonight he was the best at the end of Den sjunde vågen, teasing the guys with his playing the drums like he didn’t want to end that part. It sounded brilliant.
After the show we were waiting for Marie and the guys outside the venue. There we met Pelle and Jokke and chatted with them. As Jokke saw it was again the international fans coming to say hi, he asked: ”Where are the Swedes?” It said it all. They surely went home to sleep after being so tired of sitting still. We got to know they are travelling to Stockholm still tonight. After some time a guy came out to tell us there wouldn’t be time for pictures or autographs, we could only say goodbye to Marie and the band. That was of course enough for us. First Pelle, Jokke and Surjo came out, then Chris and Micke. Micke asked us: ”Plus or minus?” (How we would evaluate the concert.) We said it was an extra plus. He said it was one of the best concerts. For us, each concert is one of the bests that’s for sure. And we have to agree with him thinking about what happened on stage. There everything was perfect and it was really one of the best shows. Marie was the last who came out. She thanked us for being there and told us: “See you in Stockholm!” Oh yeah! We’re going to be there! Everyone was sitting in the minibus already and they were waiting for Pelle to smoke his cigarette. He didn’t want to leave and said he would rather stay and drink a beer with us. Before sitting in, he said: “OK, I drive!” Some of us reacted simultaneously: “No, please don’t!” Haha. Marie and the guys were waving goodbye and headed towards Stockholm.
One band member stayed here. You probably guessed it. Chris has some studio time booked by a certain guy for tomorrow, so he couldn’t join the others. We had a nice chat with him and I also asked him about the Brainpool album that was supposed to be out this April. He said he didn’t really have time for that, but it seems they will have some recordings in June. Good luck with it, Chris, David and Jens! Send Per on holidays in June!
Hopefully, there will be an “A.n.o.t.h.e.r. a.i.r.p.o.r.t.” update on Roxette Official after the studio time starting tomorrow is over. 😉 Next concert is on Tuesday (8th April) in Stockholm and it’s gonna be splendido!
Setlist (no changes)
1. Så stilla så långsamt [1992 – DSR]
2. Kom vila hos mig [2013 – Nu!]
3. Bara för en dag [1987 – ES]
4. Det regnar igen [1992 – DSR]
5. Sista sommarens vals [2013 – Nu!]
6. Ber bara en gång [1996 – IETSV]
7. Sparvöga [1989 off the Swedish drama TV series]
8. Ett hus vid havet [1985 – DSV]
9. Ett bord i solen [2007 – TFT]
10. Så skimrande var aldrig havet [1990 off Taube compilation album]
11. Ännu doftar kärlek [1984 – HV]
12. Så länge det lyser mittemot [1992 – DSR]
13. Om du såg mig nu [1987 – ES]
14. Efter stormen [1987 – ES]
15. Den sjunde vågen [1985 – DSV]
16. Mellan sommar och höst [1992 – DSR]
17. Den bästa dagen [1985 – DSV]
18. Tro [1996 – IETSV]
Articles & photos (article and photos)
Arenabolaget (photos)