Biography about Marie Fredriksson out in autumn

As Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter wrote today, IMG_01762a biography about Marie Fredriksson will be published in autumn by Piratförlaget.

The initiative for the (auto)biography came from Marie Fredriksson herself and Helena von Zweigbergk, the author of the book, has been visiting Marie at her place for the past one and a half years to talk about her life. “She really wants to tell things in a very touching way. About her childhood, which was not always easy, about her illness and how she managed to come back so strong”, tells Helena von Zweigbergk to DN. “I think she is one of Sweden’s greatest singers. She speaks to you when she sings. It’s one of her special skills, to bring forward an emotional story in her music.”

Helena attended some concerts of Marie’s solo tour last year and talked to some fans about Marie, and followed Roxette to Australia during the 30th Anniversary tour.

It will surely be one of the highlights of the year!