Concert No. 51 took place in a beautiful setting in Locarno. The last time Roxette played at the very same place, Piazza Grande was almost exactly 4 years ago, 14th July 2011. That was a sold out show with more than 12,000 people in the crowd. This time (according to Corriere del Ticino) appr. 6,600 people went to see Roxette. Actually, the huge main square looked so full, I can’t imagine how more people could fit there. Most of them were standing on the ground, but since there are houses, those who live there watched the show from their balconies. How cool is that! Wouldn’t we all want Roxette to play under our balconies if not in our living rooms?
After some disastrous and messed up inlets on this tour leg, the security team in Switzerland showed it can work in a much better way. Those Roxers who had been waiting in front of the open air venue all day could reach their well-deserved spots in the front row.
Roxette charmed the audience with their performance and yet another sweaty night it was for the band. Marie was shining and in top shape, Per was smiling all the time from ear to ear while jumping like hell. The band was very energetic, too and they animated the crowd continuously, however, the audience rather remained a bit reserved. The setlist got one song shorter than at the past few shows. It was again The Heart Shaped Sea that was left out.
Just like in Vienna an Austrian flag, in Locarno at the end of the concert a Swiss flag was thrown to the stage by long time Roxers Karin Rubischung and Jörg Zimmerli. Dea and Chris held it up, you can see it on this pic. Lovely!
To make sure everyone sees what is happening on stage, there were big screens on the 2 sides. Just like in Australia for the Sydney Opera House gig, the screens were showing everything in black & white.
Anders Roos, photographer of the upcoming XXX tour book this time fixed a camera to Christoffer’s guitar he is using during Dressed For Success and Dangerous. Quite curious about the result. We do hope we will get to see it one day!
Åsa is still on tour, so we can expect many cool videos appearing on Roxette’s Facebook page from the show.
Per’s words after the Locarno bonanza:
LOCARNO UPDATE: Allright!!! Could this be the most beautiful concert setting in the world? I dunno, but it sure makes your jaws drop when you’re standing on that stage!!! Wonderful crowd and a most asskickin’ band this hot Friday night. Thanx everyone for showing up, I dunno how many you were, looked like at least 10.000. Some sleep now, after some really stupid Pelle jokes, then it’s Zurich-time! See y’all tomorrow, folks!! Cheers, P.
Can you believe that only 10 shows are left and the European tour leg is over? My, oh my… Roxette stays in Switzerland for one more gig. Next show is in Zurich without a day off (11th July). Dear champagne lovers, don’t forget to party hard! 😉
Articles and photos
Moon and Stars
Corriere del Ticino; on
Roberto Finizio’s photos
Raffaele Photographer
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14;
She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
Fading Like A Flower / How Do You Do!
Sleeping In My Car
It Must Have Been Love
Sleeping In My Car
The Big L.
Spending My Time
Crash! Boom! Bang!
Crush On You
She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
Watercolours In The Rain / Paint
Fading Like A Flower
How Do You Do!
It Must Have Been Love
Dressed For Success
Joyride (intro: Vogel-Lisi)
Listen To Your Heart
The Look
Thanx for your help with the setlist, Karin Rubischung!