RoXXXette On The Road – the great collection of the Roxers Edition

As you all know, Roxette’s tour photo book, RoXXXette On The Road was published on 16th June in 2 versions. As a normal edition and as a Roxers limited edition. The limited edition is in a beautiful box and it exists in 300 numbered copies only. It contains 16 pages more than the normal edition and it includes a numbered print-out with the signature of Anders Roos, photographer and publisher of the book. The numbered print-outs exist in 12 different versions (not 15 as it was mentioned earlier), each of them numbered from 1 to 25. On top of all this, each and every single limited edition RoXXXette On The Road is signed by Per Gessle.

Some Roxers already started sharing pictures of their copies on Facebook and we see there are so many variations. Everyone is curious about what Per wrote in the books and which print-out ended up in which numbered copy’s box. For this reason, we thought it would be nice to collect them in a kind of an album on an easily available public platform and so we would create that on our website. It would be similar to the PLECtionary.

In case you want to see your limited edition book and print-out details in the collection, please do the following.

  1. Take a photo of the page(s) Per signed (and drew or wrote any funny text on) in your Roxers Edition book, as well as a picture of the print-out your box includes.
  2. Please make sure that all details are clearly visible, I mean the number of the book, the signature, the texts or drawings by PG, as well as the number of the print-out.
  3. Send us the photo(s) to this e-mail address:
  4. In the e-mail please confirm that you own all rights related to the certain photo and state if you agree on sharing them on our website ( Please don’t send us others’ pics, only your own!
  5. Please write the number of your book (e.g. 1/300) and your print-out (e.g. 23/25) in the e-mail.
  6. Please also state whether you want your full name being shown on our website next to your photo or just your initials or if we should use the photo without stating your name in public or if you don’t agree on publishing the picture, but only the text and number of your copy.

None of the photos will be shared in hi res and of course, if you want, you can use your own watermark on them.

We are trying to collect all 300 copies this way, but of course, we are aware of the fact that it’s not sure at all that every owner reads this article or wants to share the details of their copies. So let’s see what happens.

You can send your photos anytime. There is no deadline, since some books are still on their way to their owners. It’s going to be a constantly updated thing until we don’t have it all. 😉 Anytime you get to know that a book changes its owner, do not hesitate to tell us about it, so we can update the details in the collection.

Here you can see a sample pic of what we expect from you as a photo. But you can be creative, the photos don’t need to look the same for each limited edition book, just take into consideration the above mentioned.

Pic by Patrícia Peres

In case you have any questions, contact us at the e-mail address stated above.

Thanks to you all for your cooperation in advance and we hope you will enjoy the result later!