As last night’s gig was yet another festival show, we expected a shorter setlist and the same songs as in Oskarshamn. Per and the band surprised us though, already at the very beginning of the concert, because instead of Min plats, they started the show with På promenad genom stan. Starting with a well-known song made the audience sing along right from the start and it gave a different vibe to the concert vs. when the opening song is Min plats.
The concert ended with Småstadsprat, however, as we mentioned it earlier, Sommartider would be better to be kept as the last song. It would be an even more relevant closing song at a festival.
Anyway, as Per says, he and the band think this was the best gig so far. PG being yesterday’s headliner artist attracted so many people to come to Hasslöfestivalen that they reached an attendance record. Cool!
Åsa (or better said “Awesome” as PG calls Fru Nordin on his YouTube channel lately, how sweet!) filmed incredibly lot and the videos are already out on GessleHomeVids. She rulez! And Mr. G + the band too!
Yeehaa! Som fisken i vattnet trivdes vi på Hasslöfestivalen. Fantastisk publik + en härlig sommarkväll + supertaggat band = en bra kombination! Bästa gigget hittills, tycker vi! Tack för all sång + blommor + presenter + specialgjorda öletiketter! /P.
1. På promenad genom stan
2. Vilket håll du än går
3. Juni, juli, augusti
4. Det hjärta som brinner
5. Segla på ett moln / Första pris
6. It Must Have Been Love
7. Kung av sand
8. Här kommer alla känslorna (på en och samma gång) / Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
9. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
10. Spegelboll
11. Gå & fiska!
Band presentation
12. The Look (with När vi två blir en as intro)
13. Varmt igen (with Queen of Rain as intro)
14. Tycker om när du tar på mej
15. Joyride
16. Sommartider
Encore 2:
17. Småstadsprat
All photos in the article are taken by Sandra Knospe. Thank you for your cooperation, Sandra!
På promenad genom stan
Juni, juli, augusti: 1; 2;
Det hjärta som brinner
Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
Varmt igen
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