As far as we know, there is no plan to record any of the concerts during Marie Fredriksson’s tour for a DVD, however, after being in the crowd at 2 of (so far) the best concerts (Göteborg and Halmstad), I definitely think there should be a live DVD. I’m sure many fans agree with me. Maybe it’s still not too late… Stockholm will most probably be one of the best shows as well, if not the best, since the most international fans are going to attend that concert. If there is no possibility, we will of course be very happy with a live CD at least. 😉
Until then we have YouTube and thanks to the fans who recorded those 2 awesome shows, Göteborg (15/03/2014) and Halmstad (21/03/2014) concerts are available as video bootlegs.
We already shared it on our Facebook site, but I must include it here, too: click here to watch the complete megafabulous Göteborg show! I still think that show would have been a perfect one to record for a DVD. Thanks heaps again for sharing, Alexander!
Now the videos for Halmstad are also available, so you can watch Marie’s and the band’s top shape performance and hear the fantastic crowd reactions. My personal fave from the videos is Bara för en dag (screenshot is also from that part). Just look at Marie’s facial expressions and gestures. Lovely! Thanks a million, Nikolett Zentai and Monika for sharing the videos!

01. Så stilla så långsamt, Kom vila hos mig, Bara för en dag
02. Det regnar igen, Sista sommarens vals
03. Ber bara en gång, Sparvöga, Ett hus vid havet, Ett bord i solen
04. Så skimrande var aldrig havet, Ännu doftar kärlek, Så länge det lyser mittemot
05. Om du såg mig nu
06. Efter stormen, Den sjunde vågen
07. Mellan sommar och höst, Den bästa dagen
08. Tro
The tour goes on! Next show is on 4th April in Borås!