The Per Gessle Archives and the books entered the charts

The Per Gessle Archives beauty box entered the Swedish album charts at No. 7 and the Swedish Per Gessle book, Texter, Klotter & Funderingar. Den Svenska Delen entered Bokus’s charts in culture category at No. 14. The English book, Songs, Sketches & Reflections. The English Part is not yet on the charts, but let’s see what happens next week.

If you are still hesitating about buying any or all of these 3 gems, don’t think any further! They are so worth being bought! Check them out e.g. at Bengans, Ginza or CDON!


Per’s opinion about the box’s position on the charts:

Great news. If you count the number of actual CDs sold last week the PG-Archives sold TEN TIMES MORE than the rest of the Top 10 combined. Unfortunately the CD box counts only as ONE CD…. /P.


Per Gessle partner of Cosmos Music Group

Various Swedish websites (Musikindustrin, Lira) have published that Per Gessle has become a partner and co-owner of the independent company Cosmos Music Group.

Cosmos Music Group is one of the biggest independent music companies in the Nordic region and their core businesses include A&R, third-party distribution, label services and catalogue acquisitions. The company is responsible for many artists and record labels and covers most music genres (jazz, folk, blues, country, African, world music, rockabilly and alternative rock music to name a few). The digital division is called IODA Nordic. Through IODA Nordic, Cosmos Music Group’s artists and labels have access to comprehensive digital distribution all around the world.

Fredrik Ekander from Cosmos Music Group looks forward to the partnership, “we are extremely proud and excited to be with Per Gessle in Cosmos. In addition to being one of Sweden’s largest and most beloved artists, Per is also a passionate music lover and a very successful entrepreneur, which simply makes him an ideal match for us.”

“Cosmos is a particularly interesting indie label in a very exciting and ever-changing music industry where I worked for almost 35 years now. I look forward to new creative challenges, both in Sweden and internationally,” says Per Gessle.

Some labels: Amigo, TriSound, Giga, Headspin, Enviken, Scranta in Sweden or Ace, World Music Network, Wrasse or Subpop on an international level.

Some artists signed up with Cosmos Music Group are BWO, Familjen, Magnus Carlson, Asta Kask, Ebba Forsberg, Brett Anderson, Bad Religion, Counting Crows, Valerie June.