The second Örebro show last night was very close in mood to the first one. The band was as fantastic as the day before and it seems that the people in Örebro know exactly how to enjoy an unplugged concert. The Sunday audience was almost as loud with their singing and clapping along as the Saturday crowd.
Must be an Örebro thing, but this time it was again the GT songs that the audience liked the most and there were several others they either sing along to loudly or were clapping along during the complete song. Always a great feeling to be part of such a crowd!
When Per & Co. entered the stage, Per greeted the audience and asked if they had a nice Walpurgis. He said they were playing here the day before too and asked who else was there. Several people shouted they were there and so Per reacted “it’s the same audience… good that I changed my shirt”. Christoffer reacted “and I didn’t”. Then they started playing Kung av sand after both Per and Clarence said “alright!” and Per added “let’s go!” Sounded beautiful, already the first song.
Before Småstadsprat, Per tried to fix the capo on his guitar and explained that this tool is to be able to play in different keys. He told the audience that earlier he had people to do it for him, but now he has to do it on his own, because it’s a low budget tour. Magnus asked if that’s why they play unplugged, because it’s a low budget tour, while the electricity prices are increasing. Haha. The song sounded wonderful and Helena got a huge applause after that.
When it was Det hjärta som brinner’s turn, Per told the audience there is an old goodie from 1981. Chris said it’s actually GT’s best song. Per asked why he thinks so, but Christoffer couldn’t answer the question, he laughed and said it’s just the best. After the song, someone shouted “en gång till” (“once again”), but Christoffer said he has to go off stage because a nail of his got broken. Per told “you can call First Aid Kit”. Everyone laughed. Helena, Magnus and Chris went off stage and Per and Clarence got prepared for Ljudet av ett annat hjärta. PG fixed the capo and asked Micke N-S to confirm if that was OK. MNS showed him thumbs up and gave him a loud “yes”.
When after Tuffa tider MNS brought Per his guitar, Mr. G started telling his Tom Petty anecdote, but Micke was back and changed PG’s mug to a new one. Per thanked for it and said “what can be in this… he is experimenting with me every night”. Chris said maybe it’s O’boy (chocolate drink) in it (referring to Per’s anecdote about early Halmstad days when he met Marie and they drank O’boy). Haha.
It Must Have Been Love got a well-deserved, long long applause and then Per introduced the band.
Last night’s Örebro crowd, just like on Saturday, also stood up both times the band left the stage before the encores and didn’t sit down until they were back on stage. Now the first song in the first encore was again Födelsedag, so if someone came to both shows in Örebro they could at least hear a slightly different setlist.
There was a strange thing related to the balcony crowd. Some people stood up after the first encore and left the concert hall. Maybe because it was Sunday and they wanted to be in bed on time before the working week…, but this way some of them missed the second encore. Poor them! Others turned back from the door. Well done!
After Sommartider, the crowd was cheering the band for a very long time and they enjoyed it a lot. For När alla vännerna gått hem the audience sat down, but when the show ended, everyone stood up again and gave a very long round of applause. Fantastic it was!
Next stop is Växjö on 2nd May!
1. Kung av sand
2. På promenad genom stan
3. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
4. Småstadsprat
5. Min plats
6. Tycker om när du tar på mej
7. Det hjärta som brinner
8. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
9. Varmt igen
10. Tuffa tider
11. Juni, juli, augusti
12. It Must Have Been Love
13. Vilket håll du än går
Band introduction
14. Här kommer alla känslorna
15. Min hälsning
Encore 1
16. Födelsedag
17. Listen To Your Heart (dedicated to Marie Fredriksson & Pelle Alsing)
18. När vi två blir en
Encore 2
19. Vid hennes sida
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem
Photos in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.
Per after the gig:
TACK ÖREBRO får två fantastiska gigs. Trodde det skulle vara svårt att toppa gårdagen men herregud, idag (som är en SÖNDAG!!) var minst lika vass. Tack alla för att ni kom och sjöng med. Och tack för alla applåder och stående ovationer. Overkligt kul. Syns igen, darlings! All kärlek som finns till er alla.
PS. Har tyvärr ingen bild att lägga ut eftersom min hovfotograf Åsa inte var på plats ikväll. Det dyker säkert upp bilder på annan plats i universum. Det brukar det göra.