Per Gessle Unplugged Tour – #14 – 1st May 2022 – Örebro

The second Örebro show last night was very close in mood to the first one. The band was as fantastic as the day before and it seems that the people in Örebro know exactly how to enjoy an unplugged concert. The Sunday audience was almost as loud with their singing and clapping along as the Saturday crowd.

Must be an Örebro thing, but this time it was again the GT songs that the audience liked the most and there were several others they either sing along to loudly or were clapping along during the complete song. Always a great feeling to be part of such a crowd!

When Per & Co. entered the stage, Per greeted the audience and asked if they had a nice Walpurgis. He said they were playing here the day before too and asked who else was there. Several people shouted they were there and so Per reacted “it’s the same audience… good that I changed my shirt”. Christoffer reacted “and I didn’t”. Then they started playing Kung av sand after both Per and Clarence said “alright!” and Per added “let’s go!” Sounded beautiful, already the first song.

Before Småstadsprat, Per tried to fix the capo on his guitar and explained that this tool is to be able to play in different keys. He told the audience that earlier he had people to do it for him, but now he has to do it on his own, because it’s a low budget tour. Magnus asked if that’s why they play unplugged, because it’s a low budget tour, while the electricity prices are increasing. Haha. The song sounded wonderful and Helena got a huge applause after that.

When it was Det hjärta som brinner’s turn, Per told the audience there is an old goodie from 1981. Chris said it’s actually GT’s best song. Per asked why he thinks so, but Christoffer couldn’t answer the question, he laughed and said it’s just the best. After the song, someone shouted “en gång till” (“once again”), but Christoffer said he has to go off stage because a nail of his got broken. Per told “you can call First Aid Kit”. Everyone laughed. Helena, Magnus and Chris went off stage and Per and Clarence got prepared for Ljudet av ett annat hjärta. PG fixed the capo and asked Micke N-S to confirm if that was OK. MNS showed him thumbs up and gave him a loud “yes”.

When after Tuffa tider MNS brought Per his guitar, Mr. G started telling his Tom Petty anecdote, but Micke was back and changed PG’s mug to a new one. Per thanked for it and said “what can be in this… he is experimenting with me every night”. Chris said maybe it’s O’boy (chocolate drink) in it (referring to Per’s anecdote about early Halmstad days when he met Marie and they drank O’boy). Haha.

It Must Have Been Love got a well-deserved, long long applause and then Per introduced the band.

Last night’s Örebro crowd, just like on Saturday, also stood up both times the band left the stage before the encores and didn’t sit down until they were back on stage. Now the first song in the first encore was again Födelsedag, so if someone came to both shows in Örebro they could at least hear a slightly different setlist.

There was a strange thing related to the balcony crowd. Some people stood up after the first encore and left the concert hall. Maybe because it was Sunday and they wanted to be in bed on time before the working week…, but this way some of them missed the second encore. Poor them! Others turned back from the door. Well done!

After Sommartider, the crowd was cheering the band for a very long time and they enjoyed it a lot. For När alla vännerna gått hem the audience sat down, but when the show ended, everyone stood up again and gave a very long round of applause. Fantastic it was!

Next stop is Växjö on 2nd May!


1. Kung av sand
2. På promenad genom stan
3. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
4. Småstadsprat
5. Min plats
6. Tycker om när du tar på mej
7. Det hjärta som brinner
8. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
9. Varmt igen
10. Tuffa tider
11. Juni, juli, augusti
12. It Must Have Been Love
13. Vilket håll du än går

Band introduction

14. Här kommer alla känslorna
15. Min hälsning

Encore 1
16. Födelsedag
17. Listen To Your Heart (dedicated to Marie Fredriksson & Pelle Alsing)
18. När vi två blir en

Encore 2
19. Vid hennes sida
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem


Photos in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

Per after the gig:

TACK ÖREBRO får två fantastiska gigs. Trodde det skulle vara svårt att toppa gårdagen men herregud, idag (som är en SÖNDAG!!) var minst lika vass. Tack alla för att ni kom och sjöng med. Och tack för alla applåder och stående ovationer. Overkligt kul. Syns igen, darlings! All kärlek som finns till er alla.

PS. Har tyvärr ingen bild att lägga ut eftersom min hovfotograf Åsa inte var på plats ikväll. Det dyker säkert upp bilder på annan plats i universum. Det brukar det göra.

Per Gessle Unplugged Tour – #13 – 30th April 2022 – Örebro

The two Örebro gigs would have happened in December 2021, but they also became postponed. Both gigs were sold out already last year, so everyone was just waiting for being able to join the unplugged fun.

It was Walpurgis night, but no bonfire inside the concert hall, of course. A band on fire instead! They were in a fab mood, all smiles on stage and they – just like us – loved the audience. The crowd rewarded the gang with lots of loud sing-alongs, clap-alongs and long applause after the songs. Great energy!

The audience liked the Gyllene Tider songs the most – literally all of them, but It Must Have Been Love and Här kommer alla känslorna were also very much loved by the crowd.

There were again some capo adventures and at one point, someone in the crowd shouted, “you can do it, Per!”, but Mr. G didn’t hear it first, so he asked back and the one in the audience repeated it. Per thanked for it and said “I feel strong now!”. Haha.

The band presentation was also much fun. Per introduced Christoffer as a magnificent musician, with questionable wardrobe though. “One can’t have everything”, Per said and Christoffer reacted, looking at Per’s clothes “and you say it to me?”. Haha. Then Per turned to Clarence and after telling why he doesn’t have a mic in front of him (because he talks too much and sings poorly), he said Clarence is a fantastically talented producer and “without him the earth would have stood still for me”. So lovely! Magnus was next, the newcomer in the band, whom Per works together with only since 18 years. “Feels like yesterday”, said Per and Magnus reacted “it does, every day we meet”. Per went on saying Magnus is a “fantastic musician… in his own way”. They all laughed. Helena was already introduced before, while Per was talking about how they started working together 20 years ago, when he recorded the Mazarin album. From the three female vocals Chris wanted to suggest him it was enough for him to hear the first one, because that was just amazing. That was Helena. Helena said “I’m so lucky” and Per reacted “we are all lucky to have you”. Heart-warming!

When PG told before playing Min hälsning that they are to finish the show, the crowd went loud saying “noooo”. Per joked that Christoffer has to go home and watch Dallas. Chris said he has a lot to do.

The crowd stood up both times the band left the stage before the encores and didn’t sit down until the gang was back. At the previous concert someone in the audience shouted Honung och guld several times. It came true last night! The song kicked Födelsedag off the setlist, so it was the first track in the first encore. Before playing När vi två blir en, Per again told the story of lyrics that one can write only when he is very young, e.g. Flickorna på TV2, which has a text that is not politically correct nowadays. The crowd would have loved to hear the song, but Mr. G informed: “We won’t play Flickorna på TV2, take it easy!” Haha. Nevermind! Everyone was very happy for NVTBE too.

As I wrote above, all GT songs had loud crowd reactions and so was the case with Sommartider. This time everyone stayed on their feet for the last song, När alla vännerna gått hem as well. A well-deserved standing ovation it was this time too!

At the end of the gig PG said he hopes to meet the Örebro crowd soon again, maybe there will be some who join the show tomorrow. “Maybe it will be the same crowd tomorrow.” Haha.

Last night’s concert was Sandra Knospe’s 300th Rox world related show. Congrats! And to several hundreds more!

Next stop is Örebro again on 1st May!


1. Kung av sand
2. På promenad genom stan
3. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
4. Småstadsprat
5. Min plats
6. Tycker om när du tar på mej
7. Det hjärta som brinner
8. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
9. Varmt igen
10. Tuffa tider
11. Juni, juli, augusti
12. It Must Have Been Love
13. Vilket håll du än går

Band introduction

14. Här kommer alla känslorna
15. Min hälsning

Encore 1
16. Honung och guld
17. Listen To Your Heart (dedicated to Marie Fredriksson & Pelle Alsing)
18. När vi två blir en

Encore 2
19. Vid hennes sida
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem

Photos in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

Per after the gig on Facebook & Twitter:

Wow! Örebro. At last. And what a welcome we received! Amazing evening, very loud crowd which we love! Lots of new boogaloo happening on stage. We played “Honung och guld” tonight. Just for fun. Second show tomorrow. Can’t wait. Have a great Valborg everyone!

And on Instagram:

Wow. Örebro. At last. Thanx for an amazing evening!!! Ten out of ten when it comes to the audience!!! We had a blast. See you tomorrow again!

Per Gessle – En vacker kväll in Örebro, Sweden – 8th July 2017 – #3

Per Gessle’s concert in Örebro was planned to be held at Slottsparken, but at the end of April, the venue was changed to Gustavsviksbadet, because the castle park is now declared not to be suitable for concerts.

Zigzagging in the country from one concert town to another, we arrived to Örebro in the afternoon. Not much later than we had arrived to the venue, Per and the band started their soundcheck before 5 pm and it lasted for about 20 minutes. Some of us stood up on the fence and watched them on stage. HERE you can see a short part of it. The energy level is indeed different when you have a crowd in front of you, isn’t it? Haha.

It was raining almost all day and so we prepared our ponchos for the night, but fortunately, the sky got clearer and clearer. It rained until 4 pm, then started again at 6 and once again a bit later, but by the time Per & Co came up on stage, there was no rain at all and it stayed like that all night.

In the queue I met a young Swedish guy. We chatted a bit and were standing next to each other in the front row. He is 22 and got into PG’s music only 4 years ago. He knew Gyllene Tider before that and wasn’t really fond of them, but something kicked in at the age of 18. Cool! It’s never too late to become a Per Gessle fan, eller hur? I love it how the younger generation also finds Per’s music attractive.

Good Harvest and Strandels were there in Örebro and played their 25-25 minutes before Per and the band came up on stage. I haven’t written about the stage outfits so far (besides Per’s white clothes, of course!). I like it very much how everyone’s appearance fits each other’s set, but still everyone has their clothes tailored to their own personalities. You can see it on the pictures and in the videos. Do I have to mention that I just love PG’s black outfit with those red stars and stripes on? It’s too hot and it’s so much his style! Lookin’ cool!

Now both Per and the band were even more relaxed than in Oskarshamn. Mr. G was jumping around and doing his circles (mainly during Joyride) on stage all night very energetically. Even if now there are more slow songs in the setlist, during which Per is more of the swaying his hips guy, during the uptempo songs he still shows us his left leg stomping trademark. Adorable! His voice needed some ginger tea during the show, but we loved how he sounded. During the concert he was licking the picks quite often. We know that from the 2014 plec interview that he is doing it for the picks to stick more to the finger.

There were several funny and / or adorable moments during the whole show, as usual, but I have to mention especially one of those moments. After Första pris Per was talking to the crowd and a guy was shouting from the audience: ”Perra, vi älskar dig!” ( = Per, we love you!). How PG reacted to it, with an ”Aaaaaah!” leaving his mouth and how the crowd was cheering him was absolutely priceless!

The band was very energetic too. They communicate more and more with the crowd and we love that. Keep it up, guys and girls! They are all so talented and nice people and you must love how they enjoy performing. There is a very lovely scene during each show when Sommartider is being played. The band members all go to Andreas to stand in front of him, very close to each other, while Per is in the very front, making the crowd sing along. In Örebro BoJo gave the job to someone else to film the crowd during this song. The screens and the camera cooperated perfectly this time and we could see crowd pics on the background screens.

The second RoxBlog live video in history was Varmt igen in Örebro. Cool that so many of you wacthed it! And isn’t it a most beautiful presentation of the song by Per and his beautiful band? It absolutely is!


The setlist was the same as in Helsingborg (except for the LTYH intro to The Look), so Mahi Nana got back! Woohoo! The last song was again Småstadsprat. Still makes me think that Sommartider would be a better ending to the show and they should find another spot for Småstadsprat. Regarding the setlist, I mean the songs it includes, I like it like that (except for IMHBL, for obvious reasons already mentioned earlier), but it could still have at least 1 song that could be changed for each concert. Most of the hardcore fans agreed on the fact that the changing song could be Honung och guld. Per’s brilliant career has so many eras that are still not represented on this tour. Yet. We miss at least one song from his English solo, ’80s Swedish solo or SOAP. And if Roxette, then She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore is a most wanted song or any other uptempo Rox hit. Can be something that had never been played live with Roxette. Maybe next time? Wishful thinking?

At the end of the show the crowd (4000 people) were cheering the fab 8 on stage. Per and the band were smiling continuously. They bowed to the crowd 3-4 times before they left the stage. Per even tried to throw picks from his mic stand to the audience, but after approximately 3 attempts he gave up, because he failed to throw them further than the edge of the stage. His facial expression after each attempt was too funny. Try just a little bit harder next time, Mr. G! Haha.

Oh, one more thing. When the crowd was leaving the venue, some fans got close to the stage and asked Micke N-S for the setlist. He threw some sheets of paper to them and what you could read on them made you laugh. It was written in English (why not in Swedish… LOL… 😉 ) and it reads: ”You don’t get a setlist, because your ticket does not say entertainment and a souvenir. It just says that you get to see the show. That should be enough. What are you going to do with a lousy piece of paper anyway?” Thanx for the laugh of the day, MNS!

Per after the gig:

Tack Örebro! Tack för en härlig kväll i Gustavsvik igår. Grymt att se så mycket folk och höra så sköna röster överallt! Och, håll i hatten, inget regn!!! “Honung och guld” var magisk och Christoffers “Queen Of Rain”-intro till “Varmt igen” är en pärla. Cheers. Syns igen! /P&Co


All photos in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.


1. Min plats
2. På promenad genom stan
3. Vilket håll du än går
4. Juni, juli, augusti
5. Det hjärta som brinner
6. Segla på ett moln / Första pris
7. Tittar på dej när du dansar
8. It Must Have Been Love
9. Honung och guld
10. Här kommer alla känslorna (på en och samma gång) / Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
11. Kung av sand
12. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
13. Spegelboll
14. Gå & fiska!
Band presentation
15. The Look (with Listen To Your Heart as intro)

16. Varmt igen (with Queen of Rain as intro)
17. Tycker om när du tar på mej
18. Dressed for Success
19. Joyride

Encore 2:
20. Sommartider
21. Småstadsprat


Min plats
På promenad genom stan: 1; 2;
Juni, juli, augusti: 1; 2;
It Must Have Been Love
Honung och guld
Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
Kung av sand
Ljudet av ett annat hjärta: 1; 2; 3;
Gå & fiska!
The Look: 1; 2;
Tycker om när du tar på mej
Sommartider: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5;

Articles, pictures:

Örebro Tribune


Marie’s tour: Örebro, 21st February #2

650x573_MF_tour_2014Setlist (same as on the first concert)

1. Så stilla så långsamt [1992 – DSR]
2. Kom vila hos mig [2013 – Nu!]
3. Bara för en dag [1987 – ES]
4. Det regnar igen [1992 – DSR]
5. Sista sommarens vals [2013 – Nu!]
6. Ber bara en gång [1996 – IETSV]
7. Sparvöga [1989 off the Swedish drama TV series]
8. Ett hus vid havet [1985 – DSV]
9. Ett bord i solen [2007 – TFT]
10. Så skimrande var aldrig havet [1990 off Taube compilation album]
11. Ännu doftar kärlek [1984 – HV]
12. Så länge det lyser mittemot [1992 – DSR]
13. Om du såg mig nu [1987 – ES]
14. Efter stormen [1987 – ES]
15. Den sjunde vågen [1985 – DSV]

16. Mellan sommar och höst [1992 – DSR]
17. Den bästa dagen [1985 – DSV]
18. Tro [1996 – IETSV]



Watching some videos from the first concert also those who couldn’t attend the show could hear Marie was in top shape. One thing I was missing badly: the singing along. And actually, I was wondering if the audience sitting still was because of the theater atmosphere and being a seated concert in Sweden. I’ve never attended such a concert, so I started thinking OK, this might be the right behaviour and I’ll have to get used to it when I’m there to see Marie live. BUT luckily, today’s show proved that even if it’s a theater event, there are those songs that do make you stand up and dance and sing along and clap your hands. Efter stormen and Mellan sommar och höst were 2 of those songs this time. Check the instavideo below!

According to fans who were there, today’s show was even better than the fabulous premiere concert. Marie and the band were in very good mood and Marie liked the audience standing up and dancing. So, let’s keep it up!

Articles & galleries
Pressbilden (with photos)
Nerikes Allehanda

Efter stormen instavideo
Så stilla så långsamt  by Gyöngyvér Simon
Så skimrande var aldrig havet by Antje Friedrich


#gtsommar #10 Gyllene Tider in Örebro – front row report

Actually, thinking about the fact that it was the 3rd show in a row and as all those attending Leksand gig said that was a hyperenergetic concert, I had no expectations for Örebro. I thought the guys will be tired, won’t have that much energy – as they are not fifty anymore 😉 –, but I was surprised by their huge power. All of them were really fresh and enjoyed every second on stage. For me it was the most active gig so far, if we are talking about jumping, clapping, waving, etc.

There was a funny stage scene, when Micke N-S brought Per the cherry guitar. In Karlstad, there was a problem with Per’s black guitar, when they came back for the 2nd extra with Sommartider and Micke N-S had to come to the stage and change the guitar settings from silent mode to normal, while Per was playing the guitar. It was hilarious. So, after that I guess they were joking with this, because last night Micke showed to Per that the guitar was now set to the right mode and then they were laughing with Micke Syd and Per was smiling at that too. It was lovely.

I have to mention that Linnea Henriksson, GT’s support act is very nice and always says thanks to the international gang on the shows since some gigs ago and to give something back, Nina Wolfframm found out that it might be a good idea to bring some nice, colourful balloons to the show. Does it ring a bell to any Roxers? 😉 Well, Linnea’s stage outfit and all the decorations are also very colourful, so the balloons looked great and Linnea was really touched by this action.

Regarding the setlist, Leksand was the first gig on this tour where they played Marie i växeln and they kept it for Örebro. No other ”surprise”.



1. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej
2. Juni, juli, augusti
3. Det hjärta som brinner
4. På jakt efter liv
5. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjöman
6. Man blir yr
7. Marie i växeln
8. Min tjej och jag
9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
10. Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)
11. Kung av sand
12. Flickorna på TV2
13. (Hon vill ha) Puls
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
17. Tylö sun

Extra 1:

18. Billy
19. Det är över nu
20. När vi två blir en
21. Gå & fiska!

Extra 2:

22. Sommartider
23. Dags att tänka på refrängen
24. När alla vännerna gått hem


Per_Gessle_shirt_No_1  Per_Gessle_shirt_No_2  Per_Gessle_shirt_No_3

Per’s tour shirts: same design, different GT logo colours (yellow, red, white)


All pics in this article are © Patrícia Peres