Gyllene Tider did a second sold-out gig last night in Dalhalla. The weather forecast predicted rain for the whole day and everything went according to the forecast until Uno Svenningsson went on stage. By the time it was GT’s turn, the sky got brighter and there was no rain at all. We are so extremely lucky on this tour so far.
Since the Saturday concert got on our Top3 list of best shows on the Hux Flux tour, I was curious if the guys & girls and the crowd could top it on a Sunday night. Per promised they would try. They were close, but for me it’s still the Saturday night fever that deserves a better position on the list.
Yesterday I mentioned some advantages of having a seat ticket. This time there was one extra. Between Uno and GT, we could still go to the bar and buy water / drinks. The bar had a view to one part of the backstage area and we saw Anders Roos preparing his camera, so we thought he might take a group photo in front of the magical rocks of Dalhalla. And that just happened, so we could see the gang coming out – Micke Syd being late, haha – and posing for the group pic. Looking forward to seeing Anders’s photo.
We kept our fingers crossed that for the second Rättvik show the gang changes something in the setlist and maybe either Chrissie or Billy gets back on track. Well, Chrissie found her way back, but Billy stayed at Malmö central station it seems. This wasn’t the only change though! After Puls, it should have been En sten vid en sjö i en skog’s turn, so when they started playing the next song, I thought something was wrong with the intro, someone surely messed it up. Haha. Nooo! It was Vill ha ett svar! This was the first time they played it on tour, except for the pre-premiere gig at Hotel Tylösand. Easy to please hardcore fans with these slight changes in the setlist! Thank you!
When the guys got down to the tribute to their favourite Dutch band part and Per asked the audience if they remember the George Baker Selection, Micke Syd said finally, 3 people knew them from the 6,000 in the crowd. He was happy. Micke started playing and singing „una paloma blanca” and it turned into ojojoj-ojojojoj. The crowd was clapping and ojojing along. Then he thought he did his job, got up from his spot and walked away. Haha. But he got back behind the drums again in a few seconds, of course.
Talking about Per’s ginger tea – the secret surprise mix that Micke Syd prepares for PG’s throat each night – it was now made by the help of Micke Nord Andersson who was born in the neighbourhood. Syd said it’s thanks to Micke Nord that he got his name, Micke Syd. And we could blame it on Micke Nord, if Per wanted to play for 4 hours last night because of the secret ingredient in his drink. We wish… haha. Anyway, Min tjej och jag was dedicated to Dalarna last night, partly because Micke Nord is coming from there, partly because the mother of Micke’s kids – who was in the crowd – is from Borlänge (also in the neighbourhood).
Before Tuffa tider, Per said the ukulele is the world’s sexiest instrument and if in winter you are on Costa del Sol, you can see Micke Syd playing Här kommer alla känslorna on ukulele there in the parks. Micke confirmed and said we couldn’t imagine how good it works on middle-age women and dogs. He suggested Per should come with him next winter, if he is free and play there too. So maybe next winter you could bump into Mr. G too at Costa del Sol. Haha.
Standing up didn’t really work as well on Sunday as on Saturday. We tried it hard and when Ljudet av ett annat hjärta started, some hardcore fans in the first seated row – and some more in the audience who were releived they could finally dance – jumped up from their seats. Unfortunately, the Sunday audience was a bit lazy in the sense of moving more than just clapping, so soon the security guy came one by one to everyone and ordered us to sit back. Meh… Even during the first song in the first encore we remained seated, but in the middle of Gå & fiska! we tried to stand up again. Then more and more people stood up and then the security team lost it, they saw it was a hopeless case to make us sit again. Haha. During the second encore, the whole crowd was standing. När vi två blir en and Sommartider kicked ass and När alla vännerna gått hem sounded beautiful.
There were people in the audience in each section, who were probably rushing to the bus – or who knows what they had on their minds –, because they didn’t even wait for the encores. The couple next to me, for example, stood up after the medley and they wanted to leave. I told them the band would come back on stage again, they said they knew, but they left anyway. They enjoyed the concert a lot, so I couldn’t really get what they were thinking. They were not alone with this action. Anyway, most people stayed of course, I just won’t ever understand why you would miss the encores at a concert. 5 songs in this case. And then you blame the band for not playing Sommartider. Haha. Whatever. It was a fantastic show!
Now 2 days off! Next stop is Karlstad on Wednesday.
1. Gyllene Tider igen
2. Juni, juli, augusti
3. Det hjärta som brinner
4. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
5. Gammal kärlek rostar aldrig
6. Flickorna på TV2
7. Chrissie, hur mår du?
8. (Hon vill ha) Puls
9. Vill ha ett svar!
10. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
11. Tuffa tider
Band presentation
12. Min tjej och jag
13. Kung av sand
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet / (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän / Tylö Sun medley
Encore 1
17. Det är över nu
18. Gå & fiska!
Encore 2
19. När vi två blir en
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem
All photos in the article by Patrícia Peres
Per after the show:
Another truly amazing sold out show at beautiful Dalhalla! What a crowd! Unbelievable!!!