Gyllene Tider report on TV4

Jesper Börjesson, TV4’s reporter visited Gyllene Tider in Tylösand, Halmstad on 10th April. They were talking shortly about Gyllene Tider’s history, their regular lives and this summer. The report includes screens mainly inside Hotel Tylösand, parts of Parkliv 1981 and parts of Man blir yr video. You can see some pages of Jesper’s Gyllene Tider scetchbook as well from 1981. Nice report, but just like the new album – Dags att tänka på refrängen – it was too short.

You can watch the report if you click here.



German “Stern” magazine video announces Roxette comeback

Respected German magazine Stern features a nice video report on it’s website! The introducing text:

After serious cancer disease: Roxette dare a comeback
The comeback of the Swedish band Roxette is a miracle: Eight years ago, Marie Fredriksson became ill from a brain tumor – the end of the successful duo. But the singer beat cancer and now returns with a new album.
