The strongest Roxette lead single

Just like we did the poll with the studio album covers, some days ago we asked you to tell us which you think was Roxette’s strongest ever lead single off their studio albums. After checking all the comments under our post and on Roxette’s Facebook page, I counted the votes / mentions and voilà, here is the result. Is anyone surprised that Joyride is the absolute winner? I guess not!

27th February 1991 is an important date in Roxette’s history. Their strongest ever lead single was released that day. Per remembered its 25th anniversary on Facebook the other day:

25 YEARS AGO TODAY! This little baby was released as a single. Fab! /P.

The hit is so strong it became Roxette’s 4th US No. 1 and Joyride, the song itself and the video to it made a tremendous amount of people join the joyride and fall in neverending love with Roxette. I’m also one of those Roxers. As we know, there are many to thank for this hit. Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Åsa, the 1991 Rox gang, the engineers, the studios, etc., but most of all, Per 8th-wonder-songwriter Gessle and of course Marie. Aaah… 25 years! Time flies when you’re having fun!

Judging by the comments, I would say the rest of the lead singles are rather personal favourites. Most Roxers agree that Joyride is the strongest from several points of view, but some fans prefer another single because they became a Roxer thanks to another one or they have nicer memories related to another certain lead single.

Sleeping In My Car is a strong 2nd and How Do You Do! has a safe 3rd place. Dressed For Success is at No. 4, but right after it comes Wish I Could Fly. Neverending Love and She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio) got almost the same amount of votes and The Centre Of The Heart is not far behind them. It’s Possible is a catchy song, but it ended up at the last place as a lead single.




The 10th studio album lead single, It Just Happens is released on 8th April.


Roxers’ favourite Roxette studio album covers

Some days ago we asked you to list your Top3 favourite Roxette studio album covers. We got a lot of comments and after the collage had been shared both on Roxette’s official Facebook page and Instagram account, there were even more votes. It seemed to be obvious which covers would end up at the Top3 positions, but I was curious about the exact results. It’s of course not a representative sample, but who else could judge Roxette’s album covers better than Roxers?

After checking all the comments, I counted the votes / mentions and found out the Top2 were indeed quite obvious. Most people voted for Joyride and Look Sharp!. I would say the difference between the number of votes is so tiny, the 2 covers are equally strong. The third position is occupied by Crash! Boom! Bang!, but Tourism was very close to become the third as well. The difference is quite small here, too. The 5th best cover according to Roxers is that of Room Service.

The remaining 4 covers are well behind any of those in the Top5. No surprise poor Travelling (which was released 4 years ago today, by the way) is at the end of the list. I remember how excited we all were about the new album in 2011 and 2012 and when the cover was shared on Facebook, tons of us first thought it was a joke and that it couldn’t be the final design. Not that it wasn’t funny to see BoJo on the sleeve, but… ehm… Then we decided, OK if the content is awesome, we don’t really care about the cover. The songs turned out to be fab, so the sin made with the album cover was forgiven, so to say.

We like busy covers only if there is a real concept behind them (see Tourism) and we love professional, artistic photos of Marie and Per on the sleeve. We are not into weird Photoshop attempts (see Travelling) and busy covers with seemingly no concept behind them (see Charm School). Don’t get us wrong, we love seeing such non-pro pics, but it works much better on social media sites or in books than on album covers.

These days when music is consumed rather digitally, it might be even more important to have a great cover to catch the attention of those who still go and buy CDs at record shops. Come to think of it, even for digital use it is important to have a good-looking sleeve. At least I prefer seeing a clear, eye-catching cover pic on Spotify and similar sites when I listen to music either on computer or on my smartphone.

So anyone in charge of the upcoming album cover design, please make an attractive one! Now you can see which directions Roxers prefer. 😉




The world got roxed – Roxette Official got flashmobbed

It wasn’t the first flashmob on Roxette Official and most probably, it wasn’t the last one. BUT: this is definitely the first one PERceived by Mr G. Or at least this is the first one which he commented on. 🙂

OH YEAH UPDATE: Love those “Roxette travelling” pictures you have posted!!!! It’s a big Rox world out there, right??? Thanx for all your work and keep ’em coming!
Have a wonderful Friday night! /P.

Halle_Germany_THE_FIRST_POSTERThis time it all started with one poster (see on the left) found in a public place in Halle, Germany, posted on Facebook and found there by Manuel Terron Browa. Then Sandra Knospe had an idea why not doing it all around the world. Everyone went like ”yeah, why not?”. So we decided for a flashmob for the DVD’s release date, 6th December, 2013. We waited so long for this release, we had to celebrate it properly all around the universe. 😉

By the help of the organizers (Sandra Knospe, Christina Dercks, Alexandra Neitzel) an event was created on Facebook for this poster flashmob. Roxers were joining and joining, let their other Roxer friends know about it and started checking their drawers for doubles of their old posters or whether they should buy some on ebay or print one. We also had to think hard where to glue our posters. To public areas, OK, but where exactly. Shop windows? Monuments? Boards? Where?




As you can see, everyone found a great place finally. Roxers glued their posters all around the globe. Those 70 pics posted on Roxette Official on 6th December are from 43 cities of 18 countries: Argentina, Australia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, Uruguay, USA, Wales. Oh and one poster was ”placed” even over the Moon. 😉 /Click to download the hi res collage you can see on the left./

While we were doing our ”job”, all of us were thrilled. Policemen, guards, tourists, people on the streets – they all were watching us. Hopefully no one got arrested. 🙂 Heart was beating faster than usual, hands were shaking as if we were doing something bad. But we just wanted everyone to pay more attention to our beloved power pop duo. And it felt and still feels awesome!

Some posters we even found on Instagram posted by non-Roxers who were surprised to find Roxette posters just around the corner at a not so common place for these beauties and we were happy that it worked. Let’s do it again one day, MAGIC FRIENDS!




Thanx for the extra special bonus (= your comment on it), Per! You made all Roxers extremely happy with it. We are incredibly glad that you liked it. Cheers!


Update at 7:45 am, 7th December:

Ivan Kelava made a fantastic video about the flashmob to remember! I just love it! Enjoy!
