The songs fans ask Per Gessle to play on tour

Per Gessle asked his fans the other day on his social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to suggest songs they didn’t play at the summer sessions at Hotel Tylösand in July and August.

Of course, fans were happy to share their favourites and asked Per to include those in the setlist. If Mr. G wants to play all of them, he will have to extend the hours of playing a bit. And we wouldn’t mind! Haha.

One must love those comments that he could play any track from the Mazarin album. So true! Altogether there were 256 different songs asked for, counting only those that really weren’t played in summer. I’ve tried to eliminate duplications, i.e. if the same person asked for the same songs on more than one channel. So, here is the Top20 list of those hits.

Graph is based on the analysis of comments related to the topic. Pic of PG is taken by Patrícia Peres at the PG Unplugged sessions at Hotel Tylösand, 2021.

I find it interesting that there are some more mid- or uptempo songs missing in the Top20. In the sense that it’s going to be an unplugged tour, it’s understandable in a way, but if I think back to last summer, Juni, juli, augusti was such a fab surprise, how it sounded in an acoustic arrangement that it would be great to hear some more mid- or uptempo songs in a similar version.

In the Top5 we can find 2 Gyllene Tider songs (Chrissie, hur mår du?, Billy), 2 PG solos (Blå december, Viskar) and 1 Roxette ballad (Vulnerable) we’ve always been longing to hear live one day. Will we get lucky and hear it live this autumn? Let’s see what happens!

Among those songs that were played in summer, the most favourites – judging by the comments – seem to be Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång, Tycker om när du tar på mej, På promenad genom stan, Kung av sand and När alla vännerna gått hem. HERE you can check the setlist of each summer gig AND buy your ticket(s) for the autumn tour!

Mr Gessle’s thoughts not to be lost

As Per is sharing a lot of information about his songs, demos, covers, etc. on Roxette Official and Per Gessle Official lately, we thought to collect them here, not to lose these pearls in the dark depths of Facebook. We hope Per is keeping up the good thing (thanx in advance, Mr G) and this way we can continuously update the list with his comments, so check it whenever you feel like it. There may be some new info for you from time to time. First of all, check Per’s posts, but if you don’t have time each day to have a look at the Facebook sites he’s handling, you can come here and see what’s new on the list.

We’ve created a section called PG about songs for this up in the Menu.

Enjoy the collection!




The dates when DATPR songs were written

Until now you could reach the lyrics of Gyllene Tider songs on, but now they are available on as well. Next to all songs off ”Dags att tänka på refrängen” album you can find when the songs were written. All of them were born in 2012, except ”Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej”, of which the original text (”Är det jag?”) was written in the 70s. In our Per Gessle, the workaholic article I was already writing about the demo dates. Now here come the dates when these pearls were written:


  • Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej (Demo 6/8 2012): the lyrics can’t be found on the website yet, so no exact details of when this song was written, but at least we know that the first demo of it was ”Är det jag?” made on 9th July, 1979.
  • Man blir yr (Demo 26/7 2012): written on 22nd July, 2012. Maybe Per wouldn’t have enough time to write this song if Brøndby, Denmark gig (21st July, 2012) hadn’t been cancelled due to logistics reasons between Cluj and Gdansk gigs.
  • Singel (Demo 6/12 2012): written in October-November, 2012. Probably not 2 complete months were needed to write this hit, but it seems that it took the most time.
  • Allt jag lärt mej om livet (har jag lärt mej av Vera) (Demo 6/8 2012): August, 2012, but surely between 1st and 6th August, as the demo was recorded on 6th August, the Halmstad earthquake day.
  • Tio droppar regn (Demo 6/10 2012): written on 3rd October, 2012. Most probably it was such a rainy day that one had to be sitting inside and eat some glass meringue. 😉
  • Jag tänker åka på en lång lång lång lång lång resa (Demo 28/8 2012): written on 24th-25th August, 2012, between the Oriflame gig in Stockholm (22nd August) and the North American tour leg that started on 29th August, in Canada. This long journey surely had an effect on Mr. G.
  • Lyckopiller (Demo 21/6 2012): written on 17th June, 2012 in Halmstad. This was the first written among these new songs.
  • Chikaboom (Demo 6/12 2012): written on 20th-21st-27th November, 2012 in Stockholm. This was the last written among these new songs.
  • Anders och Mickes första band (Demo 5/10 2012): written on 9th September, 2012 in Calgary, so gig day in Calgary, Canada.
  • Tiden är en dåre med banjo (Demo 9/8 2012): written on 8th-9th August, 2012. During the short tour break PG must have had enough time to read some Charles Bukowski again. The quote ”Time is a fool with a banjo.” comes from him.
  • Knallpulver (Demo 8/5 2012): most probably it was born on the demo day, 8th May, 2012 in Curitiba, Brazil.
  • Dags att tänka på refrängen (Demo 28/6 2012): written on 25th-26th June, 2012. Maybe Mr. Gessle didn’t want to think about the end of the tour that was coming in less than 3 months.





New titles from Roxette’s new album Travelling revealed; updated tourbooks on the way

Per Gessle has revealed to The Daily Roxette the titles of 5 of the tracks which will be included in Roxette’s new album Travelling, due to be released end of March.

“Me & You & Terry & Julie”
“Lover Lover Lover”
“It’s Possible”
“Excuse Me, Sir, Do You Want Me To Check On Your Wife?”
“Touched By The Hand Of God” (including the happy small town poetry ‘I guess my kind of talking was misplaced like hell Just like the “funk” in Art Garfunkel’)

Per also announced in Facebook that he already got the mastered version of the album, and that the first single will be released “to radio in a couple of weeks.”

In addition, he mentioned that the tourbooks will be available to purchase via the Roxette online store, and also that there will be an updated version after the Australian and Asian leg of the tour.