So it’s another day and another bootleg. It will be hard to beat yesterday’s live album with any other audio recording that I have, so today I chose a video bootleg for a change. It was recorded in – suprise, suprise – Moscow! So Russians did it again. Not only recorded the concert in a very good quality, but someone (was he/she Russian?) recoreded this nice, sometimes a little bit shaky and too-many-heads-on-the-screen video. Not everything is there (Kalinka-Malina is missing for instance), but well, you cannot have everything, can you?
What can I say? It’s just worth watching. And if you know the person who did this, please let us know – we would like to write it was You, Dear Fan (though no money for copyrights, sorry 🙂
If you have any creative idea how to call it or what kind of cover it should have, please feel free and drop a line in the comment section!
See the screenshots from the recording
You will download 2 torrent files. There are two versions of this video bootleg. One is over 4 GB and it is divided into separate songs, the second one is smaller, about 1.5 GB and everything is in one part. Enjoy!