Antwerp, Arnhem and Rotterdam tickets problems.

The sending of the tickets for the concerts in Antwerp, Arnhem and Rotterdam has been delayed. The good news is that the ticketpaper is already delivered. The tickets will be sent as soon as possible by TeleTicket Service. Do you have questions or would you like any further informations, please call 070 345 345 (for Belgium) or 0900 45 000 45 (for the Netherlands).

Thanks to Project_Z @ R2R.

4 thoughts on “Antwerp, Arnhem and Rotterdam tickets problems.”

  1. I am so nervous. I haven’t got mine either. I am from USA and have bought my plane ticket.
    I emailed the NOTP people and they said :
    “You can always get a replacement ticket at the box office in case your ticket doesn’t arrive in time”

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