Roxette featured in “We Sing” game for Wii

We Sing - RoxettePublished October 26:

According to the track list from Amazon Germany, the game “We Sing” (which looks similar to Singstar for Playstation) for Wii, will feature “It Must Have Been Love”. The game is the first karaoke game for Wii and is scheduled to be released on November 13th, 2009.  The game is published by Nordic Games.

Update, November 3: There’s already another Roxette karaoke on the way! The Singstar-clone “Lips” for X-Box 360 includes Roxette’s hit “The Look”.

Source: (in German)

6 thoughts on “Roxette featured in “We Sing” game for Wii”

  1. Nice that Roxette is so interesting for this kind of games. Teaching rox to the party kids! 😀 Are there more titles coming? Download store?

  2. Here in US, the ad for the game Grand Theft Auto with The Look is shown many times every day. I think this is GREAT for Roxette.

  3. When I search Twitter for Roxette I find DOZENS of Tweets mentioning Roxette and The Look and the game. And most people are not only surprised but even like “Why the hell did they use this song?” or like “Can’t get this song out of my head.” Haha, very funny, I think..

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