Jan-Owe Wikström’s name or his nickname, Wicke should ring a bell to all fans, as he is the co-author of ”Roxette – The book” (1992) and the author of ”Gyllene Tider” biography (1997). He’s a Swedish journalist and writer, working at Hallandsposten. As Hallandsposten informs, he is writing a book about Gyllene Tider’s latest tour.
Wicke attended 11 concerts, followed the band backstage, spent a lot of time with the crew, was talking to many fans and photographer Anders Roos, who he is working with took about 20 000 photos during this adventure.
The book is going to be a ”road movie” book – that’s how Wicke calls it – and its working title is ”Bandet som inte finns” (= ”The band that doesn’t exist”). This is a fair title if you consider that Gyllene Tider split in 1985 and since then they had only temporary reunions.
The book will contain comparisons between now & then and is planned to be published in November, 2013.
© Patrícia Peres