Gyllene Tider’s new single, “Chans” is out!

Gyllene Tider’s lead single from their upcoming album is out! Chans is a sunny foretaste of the album Hux Flux and the summer tour.

The single is available on all streaming platforms (Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, YouTube etc.) and it comes out on a 7″ vinyl as well on 7th April. Pre-order Chans HERE!


A    Chans
B    Sanna mina ord

RoxBlog talked to Per the other day and he shared some more info about the songs.

Per Gessle: – Both of these songs are on the album. I don’t have any leftovers this time. This “Sanna mina ord” song was actually written for the PG Roxette album. So I did a version with Christoffer for that album, but it sounded terrible. Haha. [You might remember Per mentioned it already in RoxBlog’s PG Roxette interview.] So we didn’t use it. It was called “Sunday Driver, Yeah” from the “Day Tripper” song.

Patrícia Peres: So you changed the lyrics. I mean, you translated it.

PG: – Exactly. I just felt it sounded like a Gyllene Tider track instead. So I wrote a Swedish lyric to it and of course it sounded perfect with Gyllene. So I actually sang the English lyric to it as well. That will be the B side of the next single. It’s the first English recording since “The Heartland Café”.

PP: Very exciting!

PG: – It’s the same backing track, it’s just new vocals.

PP: It’s very cool! Both songs are really catchy. You have the summery feeling right away. The essence of Gyllene Tider is in there, the five of you.

PG: – Yeah, I think there are like three other songs that I thought we got to release as the first single. I thought “Chans” was good, but it’s got this mellow tone to it. The lyrics are pretty fragile. So I thought it was a little bit too fragile for the first single. There are really uptempo, catchy songs also on the album. But at the end of the day, we left the decision to Warner and since they are like 30 or 35 years younger than me and all of them picked “Chans” as the first single, we said it’s fine. It’s a good song.

PP: Yeah, it sounds Gyllene Tiderish. Very much!

PG: – It does! There is Göran’s Farfisa organ, it’s cool. And it’s a good album.

PP: Yeah and I can imagine both of these songs being played live on tour this summer.

PG: – Well, hopefully. “Sanna mina ord” is pretty tough to sing. [He points at his throat.]

PP: I like how you sound on it! Your kind of screaming voice. Haha.

PG: – Haha. You do that once and then the voice is gone afterwards. So, let’s see what happens.



En gata full av hål
Det har runnit regn och salt i många år
Jag ville därifrån
Men stannade kvar och drunknade i ditt långa hår

Du var mitt allt
Jag snurrade runt din sol
Ju mer det handlade om dig
Ju mindre behövdes av mig

Och nu är det samma samma sak igen
Ja, nu repeteras alla känslorna igen
Jag har aldrig haft någon chans
För nu får jag samma samma blick igen
Och jag transporteras bort till oss för längesen
Jag har aldrig haft någon chans

Ett rum med trång balkong
Ibland tänkte vi samma precis på samma gång
När skuggor på min vägg
Skrämde oss så du blev blek och jag blev rädd

Du satte snören på allt
Runt allt som du tyckte var ditt
Jag fick ett tunt runt min arm
Mitt hjärta fick ett

Och nu är det samma samma sak igen
Ja, nu repeteras alla känslorna igen
Jag har aldrig haft någon chans
För nu får jag samma samma kick igen
Och jag manövreras bort till oss för längesen
Jag har aldrig haft någon chans

Aldrig haft någon riktig chans


Sanna mina ord

Tror du verkligen att du har fått kontrollen
Så hon gör som du vill
Tror du verkligen att du är rätt för rollen
Som nån gud i en film
Tänk om och sen
Tänk om igen

Sanna mina ord
Hon kommer tillbaks till mig
Sanna mina ord
När hon åkt några mil
Sanna mina ord
Jag vet att hon saknar mig
Hon behöver bara sin tid

Tror du på att du och hon känner varandra
Hon känner ingenting alls
Tror du på att ni har framtiden tillsammans
Du får ett bett på din hals
Tänk om och sen
Tänk om igen

Sanna mina ord
Hon kommer tillbaks till mig
Sanna mina ord
När hon åkt några mil
Sanna mina ord
Jag vet att hon saknar mig
Hon behöver bara sin tid

Sanna mina ord
Hon kommer tillbaks till mig
Sanna mina ord
När hon åkt några mil
Sanna mina ord
Jag vet att hon vill ha mig
Hon behöver bara mer tid

Words + Music by Per Gessle
Published by Jimmy Fun Music

Produced by Gyllene Tider
Recorded at T&A Studio, Halmstad + Sweetspot Studio, Harplinge between December 2021 and August 2022
Engineers: Mats MP Persson (T&A) + Staffan Karlsson (Sweetspot)
Mixed by Mats MP Persson + Per Gessle at T&A Studio, Halmstad
Mastered by Mats MP Persson at T&A Studio, Halmstad

Played and sung by: Micke Syd Andersson, Göran Fritzon, Per Gessle, Anders Herrlin, Mats MP Persson

Sleeve design: Pär Wickholm, Wickholm Formavd., Stockholm
Photo of GT: Anders Roos

Press release HERE.

Gyllene Tider is back with “Chans” – a new single to welcome summer

Suddenly, Gyllene Tider is back again. The new single Chans is here as a sunny foretaste of the upcoming album Hux Flux and the summer tour.

Per Gessle, Mats “MP” Persson, Göran Fritzon, Anders Herrlin and Micke Syd Andersson reunited last summer in the Sweetspot Studio in Harplinge and when they were done they came out with eleven new Gyllene favourites.

The reunion started mostly by chance. In the winter of 2021, Gyllene Tider was in the middle of its Sleeping Beauty dream, which began after the farewell tour two years earlier. At the same time, Per was out on a solo acoustic tour, which had to be postponed when new corona restrictions hit. Then he bought a new guitar, played a fuzz chord, got a feeling and wrote some pop songs that screamed for Gyllene Tider.

The first example of that is Chans, which has a classic Gyllene Tider sound with Göran Fritzon’s Farfisa organ as a guide. And as if that wasn’t enough, it is accompanied by another genuine pop track: Sanna mina ord, also taken from Hux Flux.

But how did it happen that a bunch of new and catchy Gyllene Tider songs could pop up in the middle of a calm acoustic solo tour?

Per says:

It’s a bit typical of my temperament. When I’ve played too much acoustic I get the feeling that I just want to play power pop after a while. And a quick check with the rest of the band made it clear that everyone wanted to reevaluate the decision to call it quits.

I think the pandemic changed everything. After it, everyone longed for a little security again and it is easiest to find with friends and family, so starting to think about Gyllene Tider again was not that difficult. We realized we weren’t done yet. And once we decided to do another tour in 2023, I started writing.

Chans will be released on 31st March and is part of the upcoming album Hux Flux which will be released on 30th June. Once again, Gyllene Tider show that they are the band that takes the chance when it comes. Congrats, Sweden – summer 2023 came early this year!

The single will be available on all streaming platforms, as well as on 7″ vinyl. Pre-order Chans HERE!


A    Chans
B    Sanna mina ord

Stills are from the promo video including a little snippet from the new song.

Press release can be read in Swedish HERE.

Press photo of the band by Anders Roos.

Hallandsposten interview with Per Gessle about Gyllene Tider’s new album and tour in 2023

Jan-Owe Wikström did an interview with Per for Hallandsposten after the news about Gyllene Tider’s 2023 comeback came out. It all started with a newly purchased guitar, Mr. G says.

I bought a new guitar just over a year ago and when I do that, plug it into the amplifier and start playing, it usually automatically turns into a new song. And this one definitely screamed for Gyllene Tider.

In connection with the upcoming shooting of the Gyllene Tider movie, which is planned to be released in 2024, Per, MP, Göran, Anders and Micke Syd have also met more often than usual. Per told the guys he had written two damn good GT songs and wondered if they should record them. No one said no, so it spurred him on and he wrote ten more.

Almost a year ago, Per and MP went to the Tits & Ass Studio and recorded them. Then in spring the rest of the band joined the recording in Sweetspot Studio in Harplinge. The result is: twelve songs that Per is very proud of and satisfied with.

It’s catchy, uptempo, 2.30 and breathes vinyl and it’s the best GT record we’ve made. A completely different energy compared to “Samma skrot och korn”, which was made to play live.

The previous album was recorded in twelve days at Studios La Fabrique outside Saint-Rémy de Provence, down on the French Riviera. Now it was on home soil with the band themselves as producers.

The difference was that back then everything should be ready when we left. Here, we have been able to listen to and change and screw things up because we own the studio ourselves.

After all, everything is so easy with this band. No prestige, no egos but – magic. I can’t put my finger on it, but Anders and Micke play together in a different way than with other musicians, I sing in a different way in Gyllene Tider, MP’s guitar sounds a certain way, Göran’s organ… yes, everything becomes Gyllene Tider.

The record was ready in spring 2022 and it will be released in spring 2023. And yes, the title of it is Hux flux. Just like one of the songs’ title and the name of the upcoming summer tour.

While Per already during the recording of Samma skrot och korn in France felt that the band was too good to stop even then and the same feeling emerged during the tour in three of the other members, Micke Syd was adamant that this would be the dignified farewell. Per explains they respected and bought it and also thought it would be like that.

But while I never want to recklessly put myself in a hopeless or possibly fatal situation and I never say never, I understand how Micke thought. He is a good, spiritual guy who lives in the moment and then felt that we would finish on top when everyone was alive and in good health. At the same time, Micke is the one who is out the most and plays GT songs in various contexts, so when the record and tour came up, he was almost the first to say yes.

Per also believes that the corona pandemic probably affected everyone more than you think.

Yes, I can only speak for myself, but it gave you a different perspective on everything. You are more thoughtful, appreciate what you have and it became a different way of thinking, a different pace. Like, for example, my acoustic tour. I don’t think it would have come off otherwise. Not now anyway.

On 7th July next summer, Gyllene Tider will be at Brottet in Halmstad again for the premiere of the Hux flux tour. They booked the venues last summer because nowadays you have to be out in good time. Partly for the ticket sales vis-a-vis other artists, partly so that the venues are free.

If Malin-My Wall and Dea Norberg will join the band like the last tour, Per doesn’t want to reveal.

And of course there might be more than one concert at home in Halmstad and maybe the grand finale won’t be in Ullevi in Gothenburg.

Of course, it depends on how big the interest is, and then the neighbouring countries will come into the picture as well. But we are heading towards a recession, so the goal is for the tickets to be as cheap as possible, even though the costs are triple. Rather that people can afford it and that it becomes a public celebration.

And this time the word farewell is not mentioned…

Gyllene Tider is back again!

How many times is a band like Gyllene Tider allowed to come back? As many times as they want!!! Even after their so-called farewell tour with which they celebrated their 40th anniversary in 2019. Now 4 years later, GT will be back on stage with a big summer tour in 2023! The tour is called „Hux Flux”, which means „all of a sudden” in English. If a new album is to be recorded is not known yet.

As announced in a press release on 19th October, Gyllene Tider returns next year to add a golden edge to the Swedish summer once again. The extensive summer tour is called Hux Flux and consists of 15 concerts. Tickets go on sale at 9.00 am CET on Tuesday, 25th October via

Some relationships are too precious to give up. Like the seemingly stainless love affair between Gyllene Tider and their devoted audience. For more than 40 years, the Halmstad band has continued to attract listeners – new and old – with its vast song catalogue and its acclaimed concerts. A feat that is unparalleled in Swedish pop history.

Sommartider, Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång, Leva livet, När vi två blir en, Ljudet av ett annat hjärta, Kung av sand – the list of beloved songs is of course much longer and there is no doubt that Gyllene Tider’s music is inscribed in the Swedes’ DNA. Now the time has come to create new memories together with the original members Per Gessle, Mats “MP” Persson, Anders Herrlin, Göran Fritzon and Micke Syd Andersson who together illustrate that life, just like music, only gets better with age.

In 2019 Gyllene Tider celebrated their 40th anniversary as a band. An anniversary that was honored with a rarely seen celebration when the band played in front of a total of a quarter million people around Sweden and Norway. What was intended as a kind of thank you and goodbye became a long break instead.

Per says:

The pandemic changed us all. Those were tough and empty years. I felt a strong longing to play together with my ’70s buddies again. The brotherly relationship we have and the love we receive from our audience is magical and in times like these the decision to continue the Gyllene Tider saga feels right. So it is with great pleasure that I can announce that the history of the Gyllene Tider didn’t end a few years ago as we all thought at the time. All of a sudden, the band is back again. See you next summer!

The 15-show summer tour starts on 7th July in Halmstad and ends at Ullevi in Gothenburg on 5th August.

Tour dates

7th July 2023 (Friday) – Halmstad, Brottet
10th July 2023 (Monday) – Helsingborg, Sofiero Slott
12th July 2023 (Wednesday) – Malmö, Mölleplatsen
14th July 2023 (Friday) – Linköping, Stångebrofältet
15th July 2023 (Saturday) – Eskilstuna, Sundbyholms Slott
17th July 2023 (Monday) – Lysekil, Pinneviken
19th July 2023 (Wednesday) – Skövde, Boulognerskogen
21st July 2023 (Friday) – Kalmar, Fredriksskans
22nd July 2023 (Saturday) – Ronneby, Brunnsparken
26th July 2023 (Wednesday) – Piteå, Pite Havsbad
28th July 2023 (Friday) – Stockholm, Stockholms Stadion
29th July 2023 (Saturday) – Rättvik, Dalhalla
2nd August 2023 (Wedneday) – Karlstad, Mariebergsskogen
3rd August 2023 (Thursday) – Uppsala, Botaniska Trädgården
5th August 2023 (Saturday) – Göteborg, Ullevi

Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, 25th October at 9.00 am CET via Pre-sale starts for registered Live Nation members on Friday, 21st October at 9.00 am CET.

Update on 21st October: 12th August (Saturday) – Fredrikstad (Norway), FMV Vest is added. Pre-sale for Fredrikstad, Norway starts on Monday, 24th October at 10.00 am CET via


GT 1982 photo by Anders Andersson