Don’t Go Dark is out in its complete length

© Per Gessle
© Per Gessle

As we informed you 2 weeks ago, there is another house music project of Per Gessle. Per cooperated with Kill FM and wrote the lyrics and the melody to their new track, Don’t Go Dark. As Mr. G informs, it’s called topline songwriting in the Crazy World of Dance, which charmed not only him, but also Helena Josefsson who provides the lovely vocals for this song.

Kill FM’s Don’t Go Dark EP is now out on iTunes and on WiMP, but it’s only a Scandinavian release so far. You’ll find 3 versions of the song. The original version and the instrumental mix are 4:08, while the radio edit is 3:05 long.

The song already got great support from several DJ’s, also from David Guetta among them. You can read a whole list of supporters under the video on YouTube in the description part.




The lyrics don’t seem to be too complicated, but I’m still not sure if I understood the lines correctly. Here is what I can hear (feel free to correct it):


Don’t Go Dark
(Words & melody: Per Gessle; mix: Kill FM)

I couldn’t believe my eyes
I couldn’t believe my eyes
I gave my heart to a simple cause

I couldn’t believe my ears
I heard you were in tears
You gave your heart to a simple cause

Don’t go dark on me

I couldn’t believe my ears
I heard you were in tears
You gave your heart to a simple cause

You have a great face made to smile
You have the power to walk a mile
You got everything you need

Don’t go dark on me


Thanx for the cooperation in understanding the lyrics, Mandy Sedgwick and Celestte Williams.

Yet another Per Gessle related house music project

© Per Gessle
© Per Gessle

It’s still not the David Guetta cooperation, but after Heikki L’s ”You Don’t Want Love”, another house music related project of Per is out soon. Kill FM, a Swedish house duo (Kim Lindén and Jimmy Andersson) release their ”Don’t Go Dark” EP on 23rd June. This time it’s not Per who is singing, but Helena Josefsson. If you are following Helena on her social media sites, you know that she is now working as an optometrist besides taking part in several music projects and preparing her first jazz album. Some days ago she talked about the cooperation with Kill FM in an interview, but then it wasn’t known that the lyrics of ”Don’t Go Dark” are written by Per Gessle. Now the song had its premiere on Swedish Radio P3 and there they mentioned that the words are by Per.

The official preview of the song you can find on YouTube and on SoundCloud. Even David Guetta seems to like the track since he already used it in his latest DJ Mix 206 2014-06-08 (check it from 8:48). So step by step we are getting closer to that Guetta project it seems.

Update by Per:

YES, IT’S TRUE UPDATE! New track by Kill FM featuring Helena Josefsson who is in top shape and singing so well. I wrote the lyrics + the melody. It’s called “top line” in the Crazy World of Dance! Enjoy. /P.