Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Trondheim – 8th August 2019 – #17

After 1 day off, the band travelled to Norway, actually almost to the end of the world, Trondheim. The weather forecast said it would be raining all day, so we got prepared for a poncho party, but fortunately, the forecast changed every hour and in the end, believe it or not, the rain started falling only half an hour after the gig ended. Yay!

When we got to the venue, no one was waiting in the line. That’s Norwegian style, we expected it to be like this. We went to drink something at a restaurant nearby and I asked the owner how big Gyllene Tider in Norway is, because I knew that Sommartider is a big hit in the country, but other than that I had no clue. I also know that the last time GT played live in Norway was in the beginning of the 80’s. The owner said they are very big, mainly their 80’s hits. Good! After 5 pm people started queueing and from the line we could see the band arriving at 17:45. The gates opened at 6 pm and we thought it would be the easiest entrance ever. Haha. It wasn’t. We started walking in, but then the security guys inside showed us a long long way uphill that we should go further there, because the closer way was for the VIP and fast track people only. Gosh… Then I realized that there was another entrance and people were let in through that too. That was a fun running race for some of us uphill then downhill. But we could still reach the best spots in the front.

This time there was a Norwegian support act, a band from Trondheim, The Kids. There are some similarities between them and GT. E.g. they were founded 40 years ago, they broke up, but had a comeback in 1996, there were 5 guys and 2 girls on stage etc. BUT… they were a bit surreal. The singer changed his stage outfit for each song, so once we could see him as an Indian, then as a cowboy, etc.There was one point when a ”nurse” – a guy in a weird mask came up on stage and tried to give an injection to all members of the band. Then I started thinking: ”what the hell is that I’m seeing…?” Oh well. At least they were entertaining. The singer anyway looked like a Steven Tyler wannabe. Some of his actions / moves on stage made me think, if only Per would do that or this, but… that will never happen. Haha. Oh and they played for an hour!

After they left the stage, the crew had 1 hour to remove The Kids’ instruments and stage elements and set up GT’s stuff. The stage was very small and there were no 5 screens in the background, but 1 bigger this time. I was wondering how the projection would look on that setting. They could manage it quite well. The GT40 sign with the star in the middle they projected as if there were 5 separate screens, but during the songs most of the projections were complete big pictures in the background, not divided into 5 parts. There were 2 screens on the sides as well, just like in other venues before, for showing those in the back what’s happening on stage and also showing the audience every now and then.

Per talked in Swedish of course. It’s still so cool that Norwegians and Swedes can understand each other’s languages so well that they can speak their own and the other will always know what they are talking about. After Juni, juli, augusti Mr. G greeted the crowd and told this is GT’s last verse, the tour is getting towards its end. He asked the people to sing along if they knew the lyrics.

The audience was loud, but not really a singing-along crowd. They shouted and cheered for the guys and girls and the songs. They were very good at that.

A certain songwriter wrote 2 complicated lines in Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång. It’s not the first time the Jumbo-taxi lines are either mixed or changed to some nanana singing. Last nite it was the latter and it was great to see that PG got over this so easily. Always lovely to experience such differences. Those 2 lines sounded cool this way too.

It was a bit cold and Per was constantly sipping from his ginger tea while on stage. I think he was even chewing on ginger. You know, some chew on guitar picks, some on ginger. But it was so strong he started coughing. And his voice slipped a bit on Tuffa tider. It felt that it was because of the cold. I do hope that he drinks enough ginger tea anyway, not that he gets a cold or influenza again at the end of the tour. Stay strong, Per and keep your voice safe! 2(+1) gigs to go! 😉

The band presentation was a bit different vs. all the gigs before. Micke Syd was so excited to be in the front in Trondheim that he forgot to introduce Per. Haha. But his intro talking to Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! was fun and I was impressed by the fact that he didn’t have the lyrics sticked on the stage floor now, but he sang the song without any mistake. Norway do you good. Yeah! The finger smacking and swinging worked well on parts of the crowd. Looked good.

The lighting and projection timings were not on top last night. The band members remained dark quite some times and the projection for example for Puls was still on while it was already Flickorna på TV2 playing. It wasn’t disturbing though. Those who saw the show for the first time didn’t even realize there was anything ”wrong”.

The setlist was the 21-song version, but this time there was only 1 encore. After the gang came back on stage Per asked the audience if they wanted more, if they weren’t freezing, if there were no mosquitoes. The latest mosquito gigs remained memorable for him for sure. Haha.

It was all worth the travelling to this show on one hand because of seeing the differences vs. the other concerts on tour so far, on the other hand seeing that the band gets better and better at each show. They were so much in harmony with each other and their playing was top!

Åsa was there and filmed many songs, but she couldn’t get to the front too easily because there was only a tiny space between the stage and the front row.

One more gig in Norway, the second to last show on tour will happen in Fredrikstad today. Time flies when you’re having fun!


1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
2. Juni, juli, augusti
3. Det hjärta som brinner
4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
5. Flickorna på TV2
6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
8. Det kändes inte som maj
9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
10. Tuffa tider


11. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
12. Kung av sand
13. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet


17. Det är över nu
18. Gå & fiska!
19. När vi två blir en
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

TRONDHEIM. Hurra vad kul vi hade igår kväll i Sverresborg. Skönsjungande, högljudd och märkbart lycklig publik + supertajt band = Pent!
Gyllene Tider har inte spelat i Norge sen början av 80-talet och det är faktiskt helt fantastiskt att låtarna fortfarande lever kvar. Tack alla.
Ikväll blir det åka av i Fredriksstad. Be there or be square.

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Ronneby – 6th August 2019 – #16

I remember when on 19th July a few other fans and me were already at the venue in Ronneby and had been waiting for the GT show that night. At a moment I checked my e-mails and couldn’t believe my eyes. The concert got delayed because of Per’s sickness. I read up the mail and everyone thought I was joking, because no one else got a mail about it. It’s because I got the press release from Live Nation and it wasn’t the ticket selling partner yet that communicated. Then step by step the event pages on Facebook got new dates for Ronneby and Kalmar and then came another e-mail about what you could do with your tickets in case the new dates don’t fit your schedule. We all couldn’t leave Brunnsparken, we had no other plan for the day. Then the security supervisor came (our favourite, Atli from Show Security Sweden) and said he assumed we heard the sad news already. We told him we heard about it, just couldn’t decide on what to do. Most fans from those being there started rescheduling their travelling plans, calling their bosses, checking flights and accommodation etc. Tough life of a fan.

The good thing is that the gig wasn’t cancelled, only delayed. Newspapers wrote back then that 11800 people bought tickets for the show. Again, it was a Friday and the new date was a Tuesday night, so I don’t know how much it affected the number of attendants. Actually, no matter how many people went there, they were loud and had much fun at the show.

After Juni, juli, augusti Per greeted the crowd and thanked for waiting for them. He also mentioned that this is the last week of the tour and it’s incredible fun to perform in Ronneby. Well, you could see on the band members’ faces that they also feel the tour is coming to its end. The band was tight last night again, all smiles, full of energy even if there was no day off after Kalmar. They were kidding each other all the time and interacted with the crowd too.

The setlist was the same as in Eskilstuna, which means 21 songs. I felt it was coming, just still hoped for 23. Let’s see what happens next time.

The backdrop had something new in Ronneby too. During the Pink Panther Theme intro it turned into pink for some seconds, having the GT40 sign on it. Maybe for the last show the Pink Panther himself will also appear for some seconds. Haha. The red background with the guys’ portrait drawings appeared for a longer time and disappeared only when they started playing Det är över nu.

Det kändes inte som maj turned out to be even more fun as usual, because first Micke Syd played the intro further than he should have, to give Per some more time before he sings (or just for fun). Then later in the song, Per was looking at the prompter for the lyrics, but he shook his head towards Micke N-S showing that something was not OK and didn’t sing until a while. We were wondering whether there was nothing visible on the prompter or wrong lyrics appeared. Whatever. This song rulez!

Dea was on home turf (Blekinge) and both Per and Micke Syd mentioned it when they talked to the crowd. Per at Dea’s intro, Micke Syd when he put his shiny jacket on before Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! Micke Syd came up with Skansen and the Eurovision Song Contest (Melodifestivalen) too, since Dea is a well-known backup singer there. Harplinge Ringo didn’t keep any secrets. He also mentioned that Per slept on the bus and he was talking in his sleep.

The finger smacking and swinging on Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! worked the best in Ronneby so far. It must have looked great from the stage, because Micke was impressed and told it several times into the mic. Meanwhile, Per sprayed himself with the mosquito repellent again, because there were tons of mosquitoes in Ronneby too.

När vi två blir en – I love it! Each and every time they start performing this song, the crowd reaction is amazing. Everyone expects Sommartider and then suddenly they realize NVTBE is also a song that the guys can’t skip on the setlist.

Åsa was back and she filmed a lot in Ronneby. Helena, Micke’s wife was there too and when they bumped into each other during Sommartider, they both danced with a huge smile on their faces. It was cool.

When Micke Syd came to the front on När alla vännerna gått hem, he brought some drumsticks (with the LOVE sign on them) to the front and he gave them away to fans. He tried to pick those, who were there at several concerts and haven’t received one from him yet. Very lovely idea. Thank you!

All in all, it was yet another ”one of the best” shows. Now GT leave Sweden for Norway for 2 gigs. Next stop is Trondheim.


  1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
  2. Juni, juli, augusti
  3. Det hjärta som brinner
  4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
  5. Flickorna på TV2
  6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
  7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
  8. Det kändes inte som maj
  9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
  10. Tuffa tider


  1. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
  2. Kung av sand
  3. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
  4. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
  5. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
  6. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet

Encore 1

  1. Det är över nu
  2. Gå & fiska!

Encore 2

  1. När vi två blir en
  2. Sommartider
  3. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

RONNEBY YEA! Grazie för en fabulöst trevlig tisdagskväll i Ronneby. Detta var ett av de två giggen vi var tvungna att ställa in för ngn vecka sedan men nu kom vi tillbaka pigga och krya och, oh boy, vilket gensvar vi fick från er alla! Supertack. Härligt avslappnad konsert med många tokerier och skön allsång inkl spontandans. Ledigt idag. Rösterna behöver vila. Imorgon blir det Norge. See you around, folks! /GT

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Kalmar – 5th August 2019 – #15

Kalmar was one of the 2 gigs that had been delayed due to Per’s sickness at the end of July. According to the articles published after the delay was announced, there were almost 15000 people who bought ticket for the Kalmar gig. The original date was a Saturday, the new date became a Monday, so I was wondering if this causes any changes in the number of attendants. It didn’t feel like it, but I don’t yet know the exact number of people in the audience. I just know that there were fans who had tickets for the delayed gigs, but sadly had to skip the new dates, because they didn’t fit in their schedule anymore. (Update on 7th August: 10100 people were in the crowd. So it did matter for those who had tickets for the original date.)

After Ullevi, the cool black and yellow GT logo flags were used in Kalmar too, at the entrance. They are so nice! It would be something cool to include in the merchandise, since many of the fans wanted to bring them home already from Ullevi, but by the time the concert ended, the flags were taken off …  Maybe next time.

After we entered the venue I saw there were mics on the 2 sides of the stage and there were many cameras set to record, so we could be sure they were to film this concert too. And when it’s filmed, it should contain the same setlist as Gothenburg, so that mixing the materials is easier. The setlist stayed the same as in Göteborg. May I ask to film all concerts from now on? Then we would have the 23-songs-long setlist again and again. Tack!

The energy level was high in Kalmar, both on and off stage. The band was very tight, the sound was fab, the crowd was loud. The security people also sang along and danced. Awesome night it was! I must say Kalmar was one of the best shows on tour. Now it’s hard to rank, but I would say it’s among the Top5-Top6 gigs. So, just another concert that was worth to be recorded.

Per didn’t refer much to the fact that it was a delayed gig. He just said thanks for waiting for them when he first talked to the crowd after Juni, juli, augusti.

I remember in Eskilstuna there were a lot of mosquitoes. Well, in Kalmar there were even more! Once PG even mentioned he has a mosquito in his tee. I didn’t know that mosquitoes like ginger. Haha. Another funny moment was when Per sprayed himself with mosquito repellent during Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! Before the song started, while Micke Syd had his intro talking, Per fixed his hair in the ”mirror” of the ukulele’s backside. Micke N-S must have polished it properly if it was so shiny. Haha.

Anyway, on the original Kalmar date (20th July) Micke Syd and his wife, Helena celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary. Too bad the concert was delayed, because I’m quite sure we would have experienced something special before or during or after Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! Still there are a few things that made it special. First of all, Micke Syd learned the lyrics. He didn’t even really look at the text in front of his feet. Well done! Another one was that when Micke asked the audience to smack their fingers to the rythm and swing along, everyone in the crowd agreed. It looked wonderful!

The setlist didn’t change, but the backdrop changed a bit. The guys and girls found a very fitting spot for the red background on which the Golden Guys’ portrait drawings appear. It was projected now before the 2nd encore and it looked so cool! No Chrissie, hur mår du?, but at least this backdrop is saved and showed again.

At the end of the concert Per threw his remaining guitar picks to the crowd and he was so much into it last night, that he even threw MP’s remaining picks that were still there on his mic stand.

No day off, next stop is Ronneby! I haven’t mentioned the crew in my GT40 articles yet, but now I just have to. They tear the stage down so fast and then build it up some hours later in another city. Ronneby is not far from Kalmar, but still. There were other cities with many kilometres between them and the crew still managed to be on time with all. So hats off to them!


  1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
  2. Juni, juli, augusti
  3. Det hjärta som brinner
  4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
  5. Flickorna på TV2
  6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
  7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
  8. Det kändes inte som maj
  9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
  10. Tuffa tider


  1. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
  2. Kung av sand
  3. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
  4. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
  5. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
  6. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
  7. Tylö Sun

Encore 1

  1. Billy
  2. Det är över nu
  3. Gå & fiska!

Encore 2

  1. När vi två blir en
  2. Sommartider
  3. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

KALMAR! Badabam! Måndagsspelningar kan vara rätt trötta och lätt avslagna MEN INTE SÅ I KALMAR igår kväll! Vilken fantastisk publik! Vilken respons! Bandet kändes grymt tight och bra, perfekta tempon och summa summarum = ett av det bästa giggen så här långt in i GT40-turne’n.
Mygg? Javisst. De smakar yummy. Hade en hel familj i min tekopp.
Tack Kalmar för att ni väntade på oss, vi var ju tvungna att ställa in för någon vecka sedan. Nu bär vi med oss ett minne för livet. /The Golden Boys + Gals

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Gothenburg – 3rd August 2019 – #14

Last night it was the third time Gyllene Tider played Ullevi. First time it was in 2004 when 58980 people went to see them, second time was in 2013 with 42223 people in the crowd. In 2019 the show was originally planned to be held at Slottskogsvallen, but right after the tickets went on sale it turned out to be a too small venue, so it had to be changed to Ullevi. Appr. a month ago it was on the news already that the Golden 5 sold more than 40k tickets for their 3rd Ullevi concert, so we estimated the number of visitors would be 50-55k. The final number is 54340! How amazing!

There was a live sound check at 4 pm, but only Det hjärta som brinner, Vandrar i ett sommarregn and Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång were rehearsed, so this meant to me there are no more new additions to the setlist.

The stage was set up the same way as in Stockholm. The part where the band members’ fix places are was the same size as usual, just the sides were longer. Meaning Mr. G could run his marathon during the gig again. Haha.

There were 2 support acts this time. The first was Christof Jeppsson, a Halmstad troubadour who we could already see in Halmstad. He was on stage from 19:30 for appr. 15 minutes. One of the songs he played was a Bruce Springsteen cover and since The Boss is quite big in Sweden and Gothenburg, he got a very loud sing-along from the crowd. The second support act was Chris Kläfford at 20:00. If you ask me who could warm up the crowd more, I would say it was Christof. It would have been great to have him on the whole tour. His musical style is closer to GT.

What I realized while we were already inside the venue was that there were many more mics on the sides of the stage. The ones you usually use when you are filming a show. Then we saw the cameras in the front and in the back, so we could be sure that Ullevi was to be filmed. So cool!

The crowd showed its sing-along side already on the Bruce cover and their clapping style we could witness during the crowd pleaser playlist. Well, Gothenburg never disappoints and the audience didn’t stay quiet during the almost 2-hour-long GT gig either. They were fantastic! They were singing along so loudly that you could hear their voices more than Per’s vocals. But you shouldn’t imagine it in a disturbing way. I mean it was not because there was any technical hiccup and the sound on stage would be low. Not at all. It was just that the voices of more than 54k people resulted in a beautiful vocal addition to the whole gig. The crowd was not only active when it came to singing. They were also clapping along and put and kept their hands in the air quite many times. I was standing next to a guy who was even headbanging during the show. Before the gig we talked and he mentioned he is a tram driver in Gothenburg and played GT during the whole week for the passangers. He already saw the guys and girls on several shows on this tour. Cool thing!

The band was in top shape, even if they had no day off after their Eskilstuna show. The fact that the concert was recorded probably made them excited anyway, but the huge crowd and their activity probably added even more to their already higher than 100% energy level.

The athmosphere was really awesome inside Ullevi. You have to experience it in person to be able to imagine it. When even the security supervisor is dancing and singing along you can be sure you are at the best party place in town.

Micke Syd took a selfie from the stage while he presented his intro talk to Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! Actually, they should have taken a group selfie, the 5 boys and 2 girls. When in Ullevi. It was also funny that Micke Syd looked at the guys who wrote the lyrics on a sheet for him in Eskilstuna and his gestures asked: no lyrics this time? Haha. The crowd already put on their mobile phones’ lights during Micke’s song and they were also on during När alla vännerna gått hem, of course. It looked beautiful in such a huge stadium. After Ljudet av ett annat hjärta, Per let the audience shout ojojojojojojoj and oh-ohohoh-ohoh for a longer time. The band was amazed at the crowd reaction.

The setlist was the same as in Stockholm, which means 23 songs, including Tylö Sun and Billy. Yay!

Åsa (who is celebrating her birthday today – happy birthday!) was there of course and we saw her a few times in the front (dancing and singing along too), but I guess she was filming more from another spot during the show, because it was a bit too busy in the front due to the pro filming of the concert. Micke Syd’s wife, Helena also came to the front to film a bit towards the end of the gig.

Anders Roos, the band’s house photographer set his cameras all around the stage last night too and he was ready to take pictures of the gang from the back when they were taking a bow. He took some when all 7 of them were on stage, but Per must have been so impressed and excited that after the girls went off stage and he threw some guitar picks from his mic stand and waved goodbye, he started walking off the stage too. Anders, Micke Syd and Göran were still standing there for the 5 of them taking a bow, but MP was following Per and since they went off stage, the 3 guys decided to follow them too. Haha. A pity, but well…

Love it when my ranking of the best concerts has to be changed when I see an actual gig. What can I say? Ullevi just became my No. 1 show on the tour! And if you ask me, if it wasn’t the exact same day as when Pink played Stockholm, GT’s 3rd Ullevi gig would have been even closer to sold out. Not that more than 54k people are too few. And hey, we heard the DJ who was the support to Pink played Sommartider in Tele2 Arena. 😉

Now a day off and on Monday GT play Kalmar!

P.S.: Aftonbladet wrote a review again. 4/5 for last nite’s show. Nice!


  1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
  2. Juni, juli, augusti
  3. Det hjärta som brinner
  4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
  5. Flickorna på TV2
  6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
  7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
  8. Det kändes inte som maj
  9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
  10. Tuffa tider


  1. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
  2. Kung av sand
  3. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
  4. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
  5. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
  6. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
  7. Tylö Sun

Encore 1

  1. Billy
  2. Det är över nu
  3. Gå & fiska!

Encore 2

  1. När vi två blir en
  2. Sommartider
  3. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

ULLEVI HERREGUD! Man tappar ju faktiskt orden när man ska förklara hur det känns att ta emot all den kärlek som vi får hela tiden genom vårt avlånga land, inte minst i Göteborg! Vilken fantastisk kväll det var igår. Vi trodde det inte gick att toppa de tidigare Ullevi-giggen men frågan är om inte detta var det vassaste. Det känns så. Vilken underbart galen publik!!! Än en gång, TACK alla 54.000+ för skönsång, handklapp och spännande danssteg. Träningsvärk idag?

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Eskilstuna – 2nd August 2019 – #13

Another day, another show with 12000 people in the crowd. And hey, what a crowd! I can tell it was the loudest so far. Eskilstuna just got on my Top3 list!

It was sunny all day, but at around 7 pm it got windy and the rain started to fall. We couldn’t believe it… But fortunately, it came and it went away in an hour or so. So many leaves landed on stage that the crew had to clear it thoroughly before GT entered.

As usual, the support act, Chris Kläfford got on stage at 20:00 and already during his performance we could have a teaser of the crowd’s vocal abilities. Then came Wilmer X’s Teknikens under, which is usually the last song on Per’s crowd pleaser playlist before the show starts and the audience was singing along to it too. That was really very promising.

The guys and girls hit the stage at 21:00 and their energy level was shining through already during the first song. It was high! They were smiling from ear to ear during the whole concert and were incredibly active. They were interacting a lot with each other and also with the crowd. The gig had an extremely good flow. The crowd was happy to have GT in their town and rewarded the guys and girls with their constant loud sing-along and keeping their hands in the air all the time. It was the first audience on which the sing-along part to Det är över nu worked perfectly without Per starting it.

There was a mosquito invasion at Sundbyholms slott. Thanks to the stage lights you could see there were tons of them around the stage, but you could also feel them on your own skin. Everyone on stage was wondering why the hell there are so many and Per was even clapping on one towards the end of the show.

One of the funniest moments last night was that Micke Syd started playing the drum intro to Det kändes inte som maj when it would have been Sjömän’s turn. He excused himself when he realized it and laughed and the others were laughing too. The crowd found it much fun. Per said this is what happens when you are getting old. You become demented, especially drummers. Haha. The crowd was cheering Micke so loud that Per had to wait a bit until he could go on. But Micke Syd got it back some minutes later when the audience was cheering Per loudly after Micke Syd presented him at the end of the band presentation.

Another fun moment happened during Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! At the part when Micke Syd messed up the lyrics in Karlstad, 2 guys (with the help of some more fans in the front row) held up the text for Micke Syd. He first laughed and then thanked for the fun. It turned out to be so cool!

The setlist was the same as in Karlstad 2 days before, so they played 21 songs again, skipping Tylö Sun and the 1st song in the first encore. What I miss a lot is Chrissie, hur mår du? And not only because of the song, but because of the backdrop during that song. It was the red one with drawings of the 5 golden guys in their early years. Hopefully, we will still see it on tour.

Today is a big day! Without a day off, Gyllene Tider plays Ullevi in Gothenburg.


  1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
  2. Juni, juli, augusti
  3. Det hjärta som brinner
  4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
  5. Flickorna på TV2
  6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
  7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
  8. Det kändes inte som maj
  9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
  10. Tuffa tider


  1. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
  2. Kung av sand
  3. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
  4. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
  5. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
  6. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet

Encore 1

  1. Det är över nu
  2. Gå & fiska!

Encore 2

  1. När vi två blir en
  2. Sommartider
  3. När alla vännerna gått hem


All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

#12 KARLSTAD! Som väntat en fantastisk kväll i Värmland. Finfint väder, grym publik och småsvängigt ungdomligt band på scen! Tack alla som gjorde onsdagskvällen till ännu ett utsålt gig på denna helt sanslösa GT40-turne’! Imorgon kommer vi till Eskilstuna och exploderar! Luv, GT.