Thank you Amsterdam for a wonderful night! Oh it’s such a pleasure playing for you guys and dolls!!! We had a blast in spite of a few hiccups (can someone teach me the chords to It’s Possible?). A beautiful evening! Cheers, P&Co
01. Dressed For Success
02. Sleeping In My Car
03. The Big L.
04. Silver Blue
05. Stars
06. She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
07. Perfect Day
08. Things Will Never Be The Same
09. It Must Have Been Love
10. It’s possible
11. 7twenty7
12. Fading Like A Flower
13. Crash!Boom!Bang!
14. How Do You Do!
15. Dangerous
Band Presentation
16. Joyride (introduced with “Sylvia”)
17. Spending My Time
18. The Look
19. Listen To Your Heart
20. Church Of Your Heart
The audience got warmed up by Canadian rock band “Jonas & The Massive Attraction“. The show was sold out with 9-10,000 visitors.
As we did for “Charm School”, we will collect the different official chart entries and positions of Roxette’s new album “Travelling” for some weeks in this post. How is the album doing in your country? Let us know! Please provide links to the sources to your numbers.
Oh yeah! BosPop was fab. An honour to share the same stage as Ringo & his pals. Edgar W turned out to be a fan. And thanks to all of you showing up and giving us all your support at this festival. Kinda different for us, we haven’t done that many f-vals throughout the years but it felt really good. Bright sunshine in our eyes, though….. and we thought the midnight sun was way up north….. A great day. Cheers, P&M
Setlist Thanks to Sandra Knospe!
01. Dressed For Success
02. Sleeping In My Car
03. The Big L.
04. Spending my time
05. She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
06. Perfect Day
07. It Must Have Been Love
08. 7twenty7
09. Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave)
10. How Do You Do!
11. Dangerous
Band presentation
12. Joyride (introduced with “Rowwen Hèze”)
13. Listen To Your Heart
14. The Look
The duo opens with ‘Dressed for Success’ and the party called ‘Roxette’ is on. The audience has been in sing-along-mode all weekend and is at its peak during Roxette. Even during Joe Cocker and Ringo Starr there wasn’t as much response as during ‘Wish I could Fly’*. Roxette can relax today, the audience sings for them. Singer/guitarist Per says that ‘7Twenty7’ is his favourite song and you can only agree. A powerful song, but unknown for many. It sticks in your head though and is the most remarkable song next to their greatest hits. The last three songs are the real classics. During ‘Joyride’ balloons appear from the audience and the crowd seems to have a great time still. ‘Listen to your heart’ and ‘The Look’ end the sing-along set of Roxette, a band that should not have missed from the festival.
WICF wasn’t performed this evening 😉
The concert was part of the Bospop Festival. Over 25,000 people attended the festival. Nienke Griffioen informed on Facebook that Marie and Per was just in front of the stage during the Ringo Star concert, which took place just before Roxette’s one. No encore this time and it is the shortest concert on this tour so far. Marie wore “The Beatels” T-shirt during the concert.