Mr. G’s facebooking habits

Roxette_Official_FBNo, I won’t write an article about Per’s tagging skills, but as lately (and earlier, too – usually when there is a tour break or no touring period) there were many posts / comments / questions about why Mr. G is posting on Facebook the way he is often doing it, I thought it would worth a poll to get to know what fans really think about it. Even yesterday – when one could have thought there might be some tiny news – after the release party of Sven Lindström’s ”Roxette – Den osannolika resan tur och retur” he rather reposted pics posted by fans on Roxette Official and old facebook videos from 2012 tour than posting e.g. a sentence (not mentioning a pic) about the book is available SOON at the nearest petrol stations. This soon is tomorrow by the way.


Whatever answer you choose below, one thing we can all agree on: no other artist dedicates as much time to keep in contact with and paying as much attention to his fans as Per. I know he knows how much we all appreciate it that it’s he himself who is handling all these social media sites. And of course, there is no offense at all, I’m just curious about what you all think, as this is also something which is kind of Per’s trademark – the re-re-re-repostings I mean – as I haven’t seen it yet from any other artist / brand on Facebook. At least not to this extreme. 😉

So, choose one from the below statements. The one that reflects your thoughts the most. Bear in mind that here we are talking about Per’s posts on Facebook: Roxette Official & Gyllene Tider. (Per Gessle Official & The Per Gessle Selection are not affected that much. Yet. 😉 ).


[poll id=”6″]


Anyway, the repostings always make me think about this interview with Per on TDR:

”TDR: Social media has become a big part of this tour. Do you enjoy the interaction? You have been doing it since the “Have A Nice Day” site’s “Ask Per” section.

PG: I  do, especially when we’re on the road as there is always an hour in the lounge at the airport and there is always so much time to do it so you might as well check out what people think. I think it’s really interesting to have this communication with people and they appreciate it. For me as a fan and I go to the Tom Petty site (laughs) which isn’t very active, but then they publish something and it’s “Wow! Check out that guitar!” So when you get some details like hanging out in the dressing rooms or pictures of… yesterday we went to this vineyard… I just think from the fans point of view it’s really cool.


Is it the ”less is more” rule? Hm.