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Per Gessle’s comments:
Absolutely stunning show last night. One of those rare moments where everything seems to fall into place. The band, the songs, the crowd.
No show today; working on new songs in Christoffer’s room. He needs a butler.
Official videos:
Fans stories:
Marie’s voice was very strong, although you can clearly notice she can’t reach certain notes anymore, but it doesn’t bother at all. Per was in a good mood, as usual. He made use of the ‘catwalk’ to try to cheer up the audience and did some hip moves. I found the audience to be rather calm during their songs (except for the visitors standing right in front of the stage of course). Still they did give M&P a very nice applause after each song and when Rox was finally done they got the most overwhelming applause of the evening and lots of people even gave a standing ovation (which they didn’t do for the other guest artists). One little embarrassing moment: Marie forgot the lyrics of the second verse of IMHBL. She was struggling and turned to Per for help (which caused some rumour in the audience). Fortunately she kept her smile and she didn’t even seem to worry about it. All in all it was very pleasing to see Rox play live! Great evening.
YouTube Clips:
The Look | It must have been love
Media reports/reviews:
my review:
Marie’s voice was very strong, although you can clearly notice she can’t reach certain notes anymore, but it doesn’t bother at all. Per was in a good mood, as usual. He made use of the ‘catwalk’ to try to cheer up the audience and did some hip moves. I found the audience to be rather calm during their songs (except for the visitors standing right in front of the stage of course). Still they did give M&P a very nice applause after each song and when Rox was finally done they got the most overwhelming applause of the evening and lots of people even gave a standing ovation (which they didn’t do for the other guest artists). One little embarrassing moment: Marie forgot the lyrics of the second verse of IMHBL. She was struggling and turned to Per for help (which caused some rumour in the audience). Fortunately she kept her smile and she didn’t even seem to worry about it. All in all it was very pleasing to see Rox play live! Great evening.
Thanks for your review! Per always sings the second verse on IMHBL with her, so that’s nothing new. Good she doesn’t forget the words of the 1st verse. 😉
IMHBL again! Maybe Marie’s proof of performing live… 😉
She certainly did forget the lyrics, she started with the wrong words and she had to stop. But as I said, she kept her smile, and you could hear the audience feeling pity for her.
Ok, thanks for telling. She had problems with the 2nd verse of IMHBL on saturday, too. Maybe that’s her new thing. 😉 But she obviously doesn’t care about it so I decided not to care, too.
Sascha, yes, I thought the same! 🙂
NotP CD release 27 november ! (German edition)
Oh, nice! Thanks for posting.
Update with video of The Look! 😀
Very powerful Marie! The others great as well. And the jacket already went with this one… 😉
Updated with the video of IMHBL. Haha, this time Marie stopped after she started the 1st verse for the third time. 🙂 Even then she’s so adorable…!
He he, it took a while until she listened to Per. Maybe Marie should just write the first word somewhere to have a reminder. 😉
I think if Marie could read (she still can’t right??) i think they would have a prompter there with the lyrics but unfortunately this isn’t an option for her I guess so Per has to help her out! I love how he started singing it louder in the second verse so she could catch on, she did eventually & sang beautifully of course!
I think Marie still can read. Just not so good/fast anymore. Would just have to read “Make believing” somewhere. Enough for the whole show. 😉