Comment from Per Gessle
Thank you Shanghai! What a wonderful way to end this Oz/Asian Tour! A beautiful crowd, singing along like never before, and a brilliant band even though both Chris and Pelle had the flu. Don’t know how they survived!!!
We certainly hope to come back to this great town before long. Now we take a short break before hitting the South American way of life! And the TRAVELLING-album is gonna see the light of day in a week or two! See y’all soon!
Cheers, P&M
“Sleeping in my car” and “Opportunity nox” were skipped on the Shanghai concert – as for the second, it was very probable authorities request as for the second – I cannot find any sexual content there… The guys oparating the spotlights apparently had a difficult time: they very often had Magnus in the spotlight instead of Per, and during the solo in 727 Christopher was in the dark all the time. Shanghai is a far more international city than Beijing, which was also clear during the concert. There was a much better athmosphere outside with many street vendors, music etc. Also there was far more singing along from the audience (IMHBL, HDYD, Johride, The Look all went fin, continuing SMT when Marie stops singing was too much asked however…).
Also there was official merchandise inside the arena, but limited to the concert poster ( €1,20 :D) and the Chinese version of the Charm school Deluxe CD (without SIMC live, €8,50). Venue very full, about 90%, so it was around 10.000. Ca 5 meters from the stage to audience, but no barriers whatsoever between the front row and the stage, allowing Per to even shake hands with fans during a song (Joyride). After 1 or 2 he had to stop though, as too many people came forward.
01. Dressed For Success
02. The Big L.
03. Wish I Could Fly
04. Only When I Dream
05. She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
06. Perfect Day
07. Things Will Never Be The Same
08. It Must Have Been Love
09. 7twenty7
10. Fading Like A Flower
11. Crash!Boom!Bang!
12. How Do You Do!
13. Dangerous
Band Presentation
14. Joyride (introduced by “The moon represents my heart“)
15. Spending My Time
16. The Look
17. Listen To Your Heart
18. Church Of Your Heart
Twitpic (gallery on forum) (review + gallery + “Dressed for success” & “The Big L.” clips)
How Do You Do / Dangerous (clips)
Remco Verhaaf contributed to the article.
As I expected , Shanghai is always a more trendy city than Beijing, more people like Rock N Roll. It seems to be 99% full at least??
I wonder if ‘Shanghai Tan’ or ‘Moon represents my heart’ was played tonight?
Here is a photo of the ticket:
How do you do / Dangerous from our “Youtube” alternative “Tudou”
Christoffer played “Moon represents my heart” last night.
I heard from Baidu forum that quite a number of audience got stuck outside the stadium because they bought discount tickets from the internet and the seller did not come out at the end!
It seems Roxette is quite hot in Shanghai!
Next time I will come to Shanghai to watch the show!
I wonder how they feel with life without facebook and twitter???
May be a good chance to walk around and feel the city!
Shanghai is so different from what it was 10 years ago!
Well we where there and it was AMAZING !!! From Suzhou there where 8 Swedes who had the flag on the left side if you’re on the stage facing the public. They are from Roxette’s hometown and 3 Mexicans who couldn’t stop yelling on the right side (row 12). Been looking forward to going to their concerts since I missed the Joyride tour in Mexico. I’m a huge Fan have all the CD’s – First one I even bought it 5 times since the tape would break from playing it so much.. 1 copyin the car, 1 home etc.
I loved when Per said “take care of each other” towards the end of the concert and Helped Marie walk off the stage!! Hard not to shed a tear. She is also such and inspiration and her voice is remarkable. I’m glad she’s healthier now !!
Picts are here :
My wife and I were in the 2nd row. Thank you SO much for a fantastic concert. Shanghainese LOVE Roxette.
I’m a Roxette fan from Shanghai China, and watched live concert of Mar 14. Thank you very much Roxette!!
I’ve translated my favorite song “Stars” into Chinese in traditional Chinese poem style, wish you and other fans can like it!
Welcome to Shanghai again 🙂 I love you!!
It looks Chinese characters cannot be displayed correctly in this website, I’ve submitted it in Weibo group as following 🙂