One month after Sven Lindström’s ”Roxette – Den osannolika resan tur och retur” is published (30th August), Per and Sven will have a seminar at Göteborg Book Fair on 29th September. Seminar starts at 12:00 and lasts until 12:45.
Ticket you can buy at the entrance and it is valid for the seminar as well. Regular prices for adults: 160 SEK per day; for children / youth from 7 to 19 years: 50 SEK. Free entrance for children up to 6 years. Happy Hour between 9:00 and 10:00 on Sunday (the day the seminar is): ticket for adults: 110 SEK, for children: 40 SEK.
So, is it a perfect excuse to travel to Sweden again? 😉