RXB Exclusive: third chapter of the coming Roxette book

If you managed to read first two chapters of new Roxette book or you are heading for Gothenburg Book Fair to meet Gessle & Lindström themselves, we have an exclusive opportunity for you. We are proud to offer you access to the third chapter of “Roxette – Den osannolika resan tur och retur”. It’s in Swedish, but hey, we love challenges! Big thanks to Sven for sharing yet another chapter and yes, we’re going to have a chat with him next week. All rights reseverd to Sven and his publisher.

Get the third chapter here.

Update Aug 29: The book is already available and the pre-view over.


Per Gessle and Sven Lindström at Göteborg Book Fair

One month after Sven Lindström’s ”Roxette – Den osannolika resan tur och retur” is published (30th August), Per and Sven will have a seminar at Göteborg Book Fair on 29th September. Seminar starts at 12:00 and lasts until 12:45.

Ticket you can buy at the entrance and it is valid for the seminar as well. Regular prices for adults: 160 SEK per day; for children / youth from 7 to 19 years: 50 SEK. Free entrance for children up to 6 years. Happy Hour between 9:00 and 10:00 on Sunday (the day the seminar is): ticket for adults: 110 SEK, for children: 40 SEK.

So, is it a perfect excuse to travel to Sweden again? 😉


Roxette – Den osannolika resan tur och retur

Bokus made available the 2 first chapters of Sven Lindström’s new book about Roxette’s unlikely return on their website. Click here to read them. The book also includes stories of 6 well-known Roxers and is published on 30th August, 2013.



Sven_L_Roxette_DORTOR_cover  Sven_L_Roxette_DORTOR_contents


You can read some more about the book in our earlier article here.


A little help for those who can’t speak Swedish: Claudia Bastian and Celestte Williams translated the 1st chapter. We want to emphasize that we don’t want to  break any copyright laws, but appr. 80-90% (if not more) of Roxette fans can’t speak Swedish. So we do hope the English version of the book is out soon after it’s been published in Swedish. 😉
