Mass for Marie Fredriksson on World Cancer Day

Hedvig Eleonora church (Östermalm, Stockholm) organized 2 masses for Marie Fredriksson on 4th February, World Cancer Day. The first one was held from 18:00 to 19:15, the next from 20:00 to 21:15. They remembered Marie and her fantastic music on the masses where the church’s children and youth choirs, One Voice choir and the church’s musicians, deacons and priests took part. The masses were open to everyone with free entrance. The organizers collected money for Cancerfonden during the event.

1000 people fit in the church for one mass. There were 2 masses because of the huge interest.

HedvigPuls is a worship service with specially selected music themes, such as Avicii, Beyoncé, Laleh and Kent. For the fall of 2020 they planned to have a mass with Marie Fredriksson’s music, but when the sad news of her passing reached them, they chose to organize this on World Cancer Day instead.

The choirs sang Ännu doftar kärlek, Tro, Sparvöga, Längtan, Ett hus vid havet and It Must Have Been Love.

Hedvig Eleonora church’s bells were ringing the melody of Sparvöga for a week after Marie’s passing.

Pictures and instavideos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

Videos: mass, Ännu doftar kärlek, Tro, Sparvöga, Längtan, Ett hus vid havet, It Must Have Been Love,

If you want to donate money to Cancerfonden, you can use this bank account number for donations: SE0650000000052101012251 or donate to the local cancer foundation in your country.