Per Gessle Unplugged Tour – #16 – 4th May 2022 – Malmö

Malmö would have also been a December 2021 show if things hadn’t happened. After one day off, the gang was back on stage last night. Anders Roos was on spot again with all his cameras and MP, who wasn’t present during the past three gigs, rejoined the team, as well as Åsa.

The venue was very interesting, with a lot of rows, you almost couldn’t see the end. Haha. The acoustics weren’t the best. As Christoffer said after the show it had a dry sound. They couldn’t really hear the crowd reactions, but they weren’t alone. It felt like the sing-alongs started in the rows in the back and somehow it took a little while for the sound to get to the front.

Per also recognized the unusual shape of the crowd area. He said it feels like being in a long train. He waved and shouted into the mic to those in the back „hello over there”. The audience shouted „hej” back at him.

The audience was mostly singing along GT songs and all Mazarin tracks. The clapping wasn’t too loud during the songs, but rather after each song. Then it was really intense.

O’boy was again in focus, the kidding with each other goes on and on. E.g. when Per was drinking tea after Tuffa tider, Christoffer said it’s O’boy in the mug and when Micke N-S brought a new mug of tea on stage, Per joked it’s „a new O’boy” and he said it’s yummy when he drank from the mug.

Mr. G’s capo-fixing technique is getting better and better. Last night there was only one time when he was fluffing with the capo for a longer time.

The band presentation started with Christoffer and Per said he is incomparable and he tries to find a new superlative for Chris every night, but it’s not too easy, he feels like he ran out of them. Christoffer helped him out with the word „nice-smelling”. Haha. Regarding Clarence, Per told again that he doesn’t have a microphone, because he talks too much nonsense and sings poorly, but he added that Clarence was the singer in his old band, Overture in the 70’s. Producer father to all Roxette songs as well. Magnus was introduced as a real Scanian, the newcomer with his 18 years of collaboration with PG. The fantastic Helena Josefsson and Magnus felt very much at home in Malmö, that was clearly visible and the audience loved them.

During the past two concerts it was Min hälsning when the crowd realized the show will end now very soon, so they got more active after that. A big part of the crowd stood up before the first encore and then before the second encore everyone was up on their feet. We all sat down for Vid hennes sida, but Sommartider was an immediate standing song and after it, the audience was cheering the band for a long long time. Per thanked for it and for the fantastic evening and he repeated „Malmö” twice in the mic, pointing out that such a crowd reaction can only happen in Malmö. Before starting the last song, Mr. G said „I really hope to see you soon again and I also hope you’ll have a fantastic summer in these crazy times”. Everyone stayed standing for När alla vännerna gått hem. Yet another show that ended with a standing ovation. So wonderful!

Next stop is Karlskrona on 5th May! And be prepared, everyone who is coming, because the show will be recorded for TV, as Per informed after the gig!


1. Kung av sand
2. På promenad genom stan
3. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
4. Småstadsprat
5. Min plats
6. Tycker om när du tar på mej
7. Det hjärta som brinner
8. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
9. Varmt igen
10. Tuffa tider
11. Juni, juli, augusti
12. It Must Have Been Love
13. Vilket håll du än går

Band introduction

14. Här kommer alla känslorna
15. Min hälsning

Encore 1
16. Födelsedag
17. Listen To Your Heart (dedicated to Marie Fredriksson & Pelle Alsing)
18. När vi två blir en

Encore 2
19. Vid hennes sida
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem

Photos in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

Per after the gig:

Wow! Amazing wednesday in Malmö!!! Slagthuset var en ny bekantskap för mig, en härlig avlång baguette-liknande gammal biolokal perfekt för sådana som vi att smycka i de bästa ljud vi kan. Wunderbar publik + bandet är i toppform just nu. MP är tillbaka vid mixerbordet. Många vänner i publiken. Tack för en synnerligen trevlig afton. Badabam from PG.