7 thoughts on “Twitter – trending topics – Marie – birthday?”

  1. After all there’s a competition on LittleMarie.net in which you can take part 😀

    And I don’t really know how to do Marie’s birthday to a trendy topic…

  2. Read about the competition a week ago. I never participated in any Littlemarie.net-competition and I won’t this time. If I want to ask Marie a question I do it on my own. Their competitions are most often much too personal for me. Paint a picture, send your questions…forgot about the rest. But to everyone else: good luck!

  3. 30secondstomars a creating a new album and asked the fans to make this a trending topic, so the fans just wrote a cross and mars is coming (#marsiscoming)

    maybe it works with marie, i tried #mariefredriksson

  4. i just saw that you’ll get all tweets (all congrats??? 🙂 ) in a survey with that cross

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