Swedish press reviews Marie’s new album


Marie’s new album is out today! We will collect the reviews published by the Swedish press here:

Allehanda (4/5)
Borås Tidning (4/5)
SVD (4/6)
GD.se (4/5)
Allas (4/5)
Aftonbladet (3/5)
Sydsvenskan (3/5)
Uppsala Nya Tidning (3/5)
Helsingborgs Dagblad (3/5)
Dagens Nyheter (3/5)
Värmlands Folkblad (3/5)
Göteborgs-Posten (2/5)
Smålandsposten (2/5)
NWT (2/5)
Expressen (2/5)
Arbetarbladet (2/5)
Hallandsposten (2/5)



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